Sunday, April 5, 2020

He's playing at being president (#4082)

     I know that he thinks he has scored a coup through his daily television appearances but what he doesn't understand is that he is coming across more and more as the clueless shifty conman that he truly is. His nature cannot be masked for long as each day drags on with him trying to control the narrative. I don't watch or listen to him as a rule and for the last nearly 3 and half years I have been able to stay away from his nonsense spewing sessions. but afterwards I do get the drift of his speeches through written forms so that I am able to know first hand what he has said. His voice is irritating to me as well.
     If you look at the bigger picture of his appointed presidency you see that he loves adulation and actually sets up his administration with people who will kiss his ass from the get go. Praise is his pride and for all of that what we the American people get is a false narrative from him. he lies as a rule unless somehow he actually wants to help us for some other ulterior motive. But for the most part everything he says is to be fact checked and or researched without hesitation. He enjoys the position that the presidency offers and then he has changed the perception of the presidency with his king like ascension upon an almighty throne paradigm.
     When questioned about something that is uncomfortable to him but still relevant and historical to the job he takes it as a personal slight and instead of addressing the issue he pretends to be outraged at the questioner. If anyone was under the allusion that trump was going to roll up his sleeves and get to work then they are sadly disappointed. He loves the spectacle of the job but not the work of it. He thinks his loss in the popular vote but appointment by electoral college was an ascension and validates his own sense of his demigod status. He may even go as far as to think he is god reincarnate. To the many of us who don't hold to such belief systems it just furthers the idea that he is not here for us but instead for himself.

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