Monday, May 1, 2023

(#5202) I am going to be slow today

      It is not the same as when I was a younger person. I could do things with far more zest and enthusiasm than now. So when I have been doing a bunch of work I cannot bounce back like before. I need less work but that isn't the case at the moment so my only sensible response to that is to slow down. I am usually a high flyer so to speak so slowing down won't be easy but it is necessary if I want to stay safe today and still be productive. Once this day is over then I can rest like I need to and slowly do my house chores tomorrow. Of which mowing the front and back yards is included. lol. Not much rest on my rest day but at least I don't have to finish everything tomorrow. I can get whatever I leave undone for Thursday, my next day off.
     As long as I get the work done that I am tasked with slowing down a bit won't be a detriment. When I am tired like I am making sure that my movements are safe becomes a greater priority, thus the slowing down strategy. There was a bit of a push this weekend to accomplish some things at work while I was also dealing with the effects of my brother being in the Hospital, now in the rehab center. Plus some extra duty taking my dog Billy in for his haircut. Just a lot of busy stuff that me an older man is less able to shrug off at the end of the day. I don't mind admitting that I am not full of vigor anymore but I am also not unable to be part of a rush if needed.
     I sit here this morning thinking about how my day will go at work and hopefully it will be less stressful than the last 3 days. I believe it will be but when the control of things are with other people there is no way to be sure about how the day will go. Yet for me the strategy of not rushing will help get me through this day. I like my life right now and even though the demands on it are many it is still mine and keeps me happy enough. However, when this workday is over my head will be heading for a laydown with the rest of my body so that I can get recharged and less tired. Nice to have that little motivation out ahead of me. :)

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