Tuesday, May 30, 2023

(#5231) Keeping up with house chores

      With a lot less time to work on the daily things that need done at home I am finding that I can still get things done to a somewhat satisfaction despite working 40 hours a week. Remember, I am an older man who has some physical limitations. Yet I am able to move forward on my schedule like I could 20 years ago. I seem to get things done a lot faster when I am focused on preserving time as much as possible. Multi tasking is a necessity so whenever I can do 2 things or more at once I am on it. No rushing or shortcuts but steadily forward. This is my life now until I can get past a few financial obligations that do have an end in sight. After that maybe I will cut back on the full time hours and go back to half time hours or thereabout.
     That is not today or tomorrow though so here I am writing my daily blog early in the morning so that I can be ready to leave for work in less than an hour. I have my morning routine pretty much mapped out for time and duties so that when it is time to leave the house I have all my preparations done. I get up early so that within a couple of hours my time to start my day can begin with no forgotten tasks. Because when I get home after a full day of work I don't have much left in the tank for a lot of chores or projects outside my routine. My brother John will be coming home at the end of this week from his stay in the physical rehab clinic that has been addressing some of the paralysis in his left arm from his stroke. So preparing his bedroom and getting him ready for how he will adjust to his condition has been somewhat time consuming.
     Outside of that though I have some home improvement projects that are kind of on stand by for now until I can find just enough time to continue them. All is good though and I feel like I have a handle on all that is happening around me. So far so good for now and hopefully it will stay that way. I have always known that when the pressure is on in my life I have to be the one who steps up to relieve it. So it is still that way. I will get through this latest episode of trials with a determination worthy of my effort. Life is no free ride so getting started on the solutions that need to be formed on almost a daily basis is crucial to making life just a bit easier for the todays and tomorrows to come. My animals don't understand why I am gone so much of the time now but they too are adjusting and are very happy to see me when I get home.

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