Tuesday, May 16, 2023

(#5217) Always ready to be busy living instead of the alternative

      At my age it is somewhat counter intuitive to want to be busy getting things done when retirement and relaxation seems more logical. Especially since I tire much more easily after some stress and physical activity. Yet, getting on with living nowadays requires me to get after things and any thoughts of retiring to some warm beach with a cocktail is null and void. First off I quit drinking alcohol a long time ago and second I prefer the cooler climes. I am an odd duck in those respects. Yet the idea of lounging around practicing the art of doing nothing is not really for me. You should know that about me anyway since I almost always write this daily blog with an overwhelming consistency.
     I think about that message carved into the beam of a room in the movie Shawshank Redemption that basically said, "get busy living or get busy dying". For such a little phrase the meaning is paramount for me. I know it isn't a fool proof statement but the intent of it is. So when I do get to take a moment or two to rest I can at least feel good about the accomplishments I am still making instead of relying on memories of my previous accomplishments. I am still tired a lot but in a way it is a good tired. The kind that lets you sleep deep instead of the tossing and turning I get when I am not tired.
     Another factor was my health. I had found that I was close to passing out when I got physical with chores around the house so going back to work, even if part time might not work out. At the beginning it was an adjustment but gradually my stamina built back up to where I was working hard all day long and no sign of dizziness or nausea. Now I am working longer days and more of them to see if I can take on a full time job with maybe less physical options. Pushing myself has always been my mantra because I have always felt I needed to do more to make myself happy with myself. I will always say this as it is true for me. No one works me harder than me.

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