Thursday, May 18, 2023

(#5219) republicans and putin rotten at the core

      There has been no hope for either republicans or putin for years but somehow they have been able to master the illusion that they are worthy. Despite all the logical evidence to the contrary. Which brings me to another reality that I don't want to face given my optimistic outlook. That there are really some not so educated people out there that haven't much of a clue as to how they are being played. I suppose lacking critical thinking skills can be blamed but it is even more than that. It is a satisfaction to remain uneducated that fuels their perceptions.
     Be that as it may, the people who work to use these souls, who are otherwise decent human beings, continue to be the target of those who would use them through new smoke and mirrors tactics to their detriment. I always go back to Plato's Allegory of the Cave in his book The Republic to understand at least partially why those who remain in place do so. There is a safe harbor in holding unto simplicity even in the face of complexity. By ignoring or treating logic and understanding as never do them well mantras the less informed remain safe. Much like the Ostrich with the head in the sand as safety, so do those who choose to live life in a bubble of non understanding. If they ignore it it will go away kind of deal. Yet logic teaches us the opposite.
     Well those of us who are constantly evolving with time and space are saddened by this very popular paradigm of remaining in fettered simplicity. I am glad that I don't tune out to reality and the evolution of time and space because I am no quitter in my life. I will only live one time and to experience as much of it as I can is my mantra. I won't live to exist, no! I will live to know and experience. I am more than just a simple human being. I am greater than little. As long as republicans and putin types continue to exist in power structures none of us is safe from their idea of treating us like property and herding us into an end that will only benefit them!

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