Friday, May 26, 2023

(#5227) How I celebrate Memorial Day

      In our American culture it is sad that a day we have set aside nationally as a day to remember those who have passed on instead is a 3 day party event with little remembering the dead. I do not go into all the events that are scheduled around these 3 days of no work. I stay home and think about how fortunate I am because those who have given their lives for me to have the right to be a free human being is honoring their sacrifice. I know that given a set of circumstances I too would put myself in jeopardy in order to maintain the greatest form of self rule ever devised in the history of our human species. There is a nobleness to rising above oneself to sacrifice for others that is not equated in all our experiences.
     So those who have passed on doing the great service to us and our future generations need to be remembered and revered for their accomplishments, especially to the death. I am one who understands that quiet meditation on the values that we have only exist because of the ones who are not here with us or who sacrificed their lives for us. They knew what they were doing. They were representing all of us on the battlefield of life in order for all of us to have the right to freely exist. No greater act of courage can supplant the courage it takes to risk everything for others. When you learn that freedom requires defense is when you learn the value of freedom. No one willingly fought to the death so all could have oppression.
     Our freedoms were gifted to us by those who fought and died for them. That is what Memorial Day should be remembered for not the barbecue or concert. Memorial Day is for the dead to be lifted back up to remembrance to all who would see. So that their names and sacrifices are not forgotten or downplayed as something else. There were many real heroes who gave all for us. They should be honored in Memorials all over our nation not just fun and games for the 3 day weekend. Our society has become such as one that relishes the time off from work regardless the reason for it. Sure, that is okay to enjoy time off from work because many gave their lives for that extra day off. It is just that we need to express our gratitude instead of our indifference.

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