Saturday, May 13, 2023

(#5214) Still working on the window replacement

      The new window is framed in and now I need to match the siding with the existing. I have replaced the older odd sized window with a square on so there is more siding on the outside that must be installed. I have enough of the siding left over from when I replaced it several years ago but I have to mill it to make it look correct and water tight. Not a problem as I will take my pieces and run them through the table saw to create edges for seams. A few pieces of Z-bar will take care of the horizontal seams whereas making lap seams on the edges will take care of the vertical seams. This new window is 6 inches shorter than the old window so the bottom of this new window needs some special care to make it look like it isn't different in any way other than the z-bar.
     It is a bit of a challenge since not all of the additional siding is in the middle of the field. I have to mill siding that is already on the wall with my worm drive saw and a wood chisel. No problem because if I don't like the final product I can always go to the hardware store and buy more siding and replace the siding I am try to mill. Not spending any money on materials when I have what I need is my goal and I am damn sure going to give it my best effort to avoid the alternative. I take it as a challenge to my skills as a rough carpenter to create my own solution without spending another cent on this project.
     The inside is already for it's application. I am using wood panels to replace the weird wood covering that currently exists. I would have normally used sheetrock, then coated it with several layers of all purpose mud to get to a smooth wall look. However I am tired of playing with mud as it takes between 3 and 4 coats to get the look. Instead I bought some sheets of smooth plywood and will put it on with fine finish nails. Eventually when I have this side of the wall near the fireplace done I will put up Wainscoting with a chair rail look to cover my seams on both sides of the fireplace. But that is for another day. Today I will mill my siding to match and then get that trimmed, caulked, and painted back to the outside house color.

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