Friday, May 5, 2023

(#5206) putin should have backed off the invasion of Ukraine when trump lost the White House

      Just goes to show that an arrogance as big as putin's couldn't see that without the alliance with trump in the White House he could never take Ukraine. But putin and his ego are intertwined such that not even logic can penetrate the coupling. The only way putin could have taken Ukraine is if a reelected trump followed through with his plan to steer clear of contesting putin and keeping NATO from building a coalition. The collusion between trump and putin is not new and trump himself has stated publicly that he would have stayed out of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
     The despicable trump fortunately was even too much for Americans so much so that we voted Biden in as his replacement. Joe Biden has never been a fan of putin and instead knows that putin is an ego maniac who would march on the whole of the world if he is not stopped in Ukraine. The murderer putin should have known he would be facing the US, others, and the rest of NATO in a proxy war but he choose not to grasp the implications. instead today putin is faced with more than half the loss of his conventional armaments and nearly 200,000 troops. What putin gravely miscalculated was not only the will of the Ukrainian people to fight for their lives like hellcats but the resolve of Biden to assist them.
     The moment trump lost the 2020 election putin should have removed his troops back to their barracks and wound down his rhetoric about enslaving the Ukrainian people. Without his ally trump, putin was in no position to fight an invasion that would include Ukraine's allies. His bluff to capture Ukraine with all the bluster he presented was matched with a steely eyed gaze from the rest of the world. Again putin had a chance to back down when his ally trump failed to be in position to help the megalomaniac putin. But the ego of putin and the filthy minds that are installed in the kremlin were beyond logic and common sense so almost 200,000 Russian citizens are now dead because of it.

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