Wednesday, May 10, 2023

(#5211) Do not abet idiots or conmen

      The spectacle of circustry is not a value to behold or pay any attention toward. I know that some feel the need to know what the idiots are doing but for me it is easy enough to know beforehand. When the idiots are given platforms to do their jester performances of illogic the need for me to pay them any attention is nil. I have better things to do then spend my mind on things that are negative or backward in scope and only benefit those who would try to make money from us to our own detriment. Much like a car crash on the freeway mentality. There is no good to be had from staring at it.
     If I need to be entertained by being stupefied then I have more problems than I can grasp by myself and instead need to seek out professional help. There are only so many moments we all have and wasting them on some decrepit deceiver making money off of us and we allowing it is not one moment I would ever grant. It is bad enough that a professional organization is conspiring with an idiot to fleece us is unconscionable to begin with and they should be given nothing for their efforts to show we are the masters over them. But alas, too many of us are not aware enough or is it woke enough now to understand that abetting the professional organization is akin to helping them.
     Tonight I will be doing anything else than watching a fool make fools of others. I have more important things to do like laundry or cooking or cleaning or watching sports or some other entertainment. Anything else is better than giving my time to those who would harm our society to make a buck while lying to us about all of it. Most of you know what I am talking about so follow your best instincts and deny the fool his audience. Shame on those who willingly support the fool to their own harm but nothing can be done about them except to offer them lobotomies. Anyway, If the fool gets low ratings and the professional organization broadcasting it does as well then we may be maturing as a society and that is a good thing!

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