Friday, May 12, 2023

(#5213) No work today so I worked today

      Funny how words mean something different from one person to another. My Job dispatcher says no work today so take the day off. I hear it this way, we don't need you today, but instead that window that I have been trying to replace but was always lacking time, well I have the time today to take the old window out and reframe the hole. After that I still had the time to put the new window in and seal up for now the outside from the inside. The heat outside on that part of the house is severe since today was over 88 degrees. Feels more like 100 in the direct sunlight. Anyway, I couldn't take the heat any more plus I kept feeling like I was going to pass out. 7 straight hours of work will do that to me nowadays.
     So here I sit just now getting to my daily blog post because I was early in starting on the window. I do that sometimes because of the heat. Get as early a start on that kind of work so that I can maximize my time. I figured I would get to the blog post and write about my window experience. Well here I am doing just that. I had all the supplies to change out the window in storage for several months. I just needed it to warm up and then when it warmed up I had gotten a part time job that has been taking up so much of my time. Well not today, haha. I do feel very warn out but happy in a sense since I got to get out my framing tools once again and remember the days I spent framing houses and buildings for a living.
     It is just a window but it was a complicated one. No problem though because like all wise persons I took the time to imagine out ahead what it would take to complete this job. So I had all the materials and the understanding that I was going to need to mill several pieces of siding to make it work with aesthetic and water tight. I don't consider myself a finish carpenter, I am a rough framer but occasionally when I need to mill my own finish materials, or even rough materials, I have the wherewithal to do so. Carpentry is fun when you know what you are doing and have a plan. Well that is all for today on that so tomorrow it is back at it with the end in sight.

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