Thursday, May 4, 2023

(#5205) Ukraine is about to knock Russia back on it's heels

      Slowly but surely the Ukrainian counter offensive is shaping up. We can already see some pre counter offensive maneuvering by Ukraine toward Crimea and the supply chain that would help defend Russia's stolen Ukrainian land. With nearby Russian ammunition supplies and energy reserves being destroyed plus the forced backing off of the Russian air fleet, the readiness for attack by Ukraine is imminent. Getting the Russians to their weakest strength just before attacking them is crucial to not only a quick forward movement but by far a greater chance to minimize Ukrainian casualties.
     With the proper strategy and plenty of modern weapons Ukraine should be able to move Russians from most of their territory if not all Ukrainian territory. But just taking beck Ukrainian territory is not enough. The Ukrainian's then need to protect their borders from any later counter attack by the Russians. So the absolute need for F-16 jets to patrol their borders and discourage any consideration by the kremlin to not learn the lesson of this failed invasion into Ukraine. Once the counter offensive has achieved it's goal of driving the Russian horde back to their borders then and only then can Ukraine change it's strategy to a completely defensive posture.
     Their is a concept in my head; to create some kind of demilitarized zone between Ukraine and Russia so as to monitor the Russians in ways that their treachery deserves but that is not where we are at this moment. Just getting the Russians out of Ukraine and then protecting the Ukrainian border from troop/spy incursions and missiles needs to be job number one for now. Any day now we will hear about the counter offensive and in the meantime the Ukrainian's are continuing to weaken and disperse the current Russian defenses that the Russians think will stop the will of the Ukrainian people. Russia has another hard lesson to learn very soon!

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