Thursday, August 31, 2023

(#5324) Ukraine is on the move

      I have been watching the daily progress updates coming out of Ukraine and they mostly all look really positive. The Ukrainian military has breached the Russian defensive lines in the Zaporizhzhia oblast and are in the process of a parallel clearing out of the Russian trench lines. This is the best result for a ground operation to clear out trench lines from a parallel position. Instead of coming at the trench lines from a frontal position the Ukrainians are attacking from the sides where the trenches are now a liability to Russians within them. As well the Russians are scrambling to move troops into the Zaporizhzhia region to help fortify what positions they can there.
     What that does though is leave other areas at the front line vulnerable and Ukraine is well aware of that fact. Russia has lost over 262,000 troops already in this invasion of Ukraine and have precious little reserves to move around the occupied Ukrainian territories. Concurrently the supply chain that Russia uses to equip their troops has been interrupted so much that equipment that is needed at the front for Russian soldiers is practically non existent. So Ukraine will have a much easier time moving through the next line of Russian fortifications because there are far fewer landmines spread around.
     It seems to me that with the pressure Ukraine is applying on the heads of the Russian military that this invasion of Russian, which actually began in 2014, may well be about to be reversed. Many analysts predicted that this invasion would still be warring along well into 2024 but if Ukraine keeps moving through the current Russian defenses, like a hot knife through butter, this war may not last to the end of this year. Which is what we who are patriots to democracy would all root for. If in the next few weeks we see the Ukrainians raising Ukrainian flags on coastal cities that border the Sea of Azov then know that putin and his cronies in the kremlin will not be long for this world.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

(#5323) We humans are way more than any artificial intelligence

      I like reminding we humans of what we are as a species. We are caring and curious and much much more. We are biological probes that have a physical form that is constantly being elevated. Not only are our own physics being advanced but our mental capabilities are as well. We each have a mind that is a computer with memory storage banks. We input and remember long and short term knowledge, thoughts, and actions in differing ways to help us along in our life journeys. Along with these memory banks we have a computerized system of evaluating and updating our memories in order to better facilitate our rationalities.
     We analyze, reason, and conclude at a constant pace with not only our current present situations but in the bigger picture to keep us on our pathway toward a happier life. We have the physical senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste. We use these senses by default so much that we often don't have to consciously enact them to activate them. Our behaviors are ingrained through their utility. These senses are similar to what a probe would be expected to do if we were to build one. Our minds which control the information these senses of ours receive are in a state of readiness to incorporate new information and add to our ever increasing mental evaluation system.
     Our physical abilities allow us freedom of movement to even leave our planet when we are able. We can exert our physical strengths in such a way as to affect all things around us. We literally, in this reality, are the masters of it despite our currently limited individual life spans. Our care for all things is also an amazing feature of our humanity. It allows us the ability to work together as a species to create, innovate and improve at an exponentially accelerated pace. Each generation of our species is evolving our species toward a human destiny of knowledge that will always be out ahead of any artificial intelligence we design as a tool to help us on our quest.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

(#5322) If we know who we are we know who we will be

      This blog was created as a way for me to describe our human nature. I am a social and political person who was confused about how I was reacting in my life. It dawned upon me one day after reading many of the great western philosophers of our species and how they interpreted our natures. From what I gleaned from all of them is this, we care and we wonder. Pretty simple after all the words are simplified to give a concise definition. So then I thought, well why do people express such awful behavior and ideas? Again, simple answer, it is because they have denied their care and wonder in order to do less honorable things.
     I don't think many could argue that when care and wonder are being suppressed some pretty awful traits would emerge. So in denying our natural instincts of care and wonder we open ourselves up to the worst of what humanity would allow. We are seeing that in our world today and if you are not sure just look at all the people searching for solutions to what they perceive as bad behavior. We won't find it in being in a cult or through religious affiliation, we only find it within ourselves. When we finally try to honestly argue against our true natures of care and wonder we will find that the argument is impossible to overcome.
     We are who we are and the human being species is one where care and wonder dominate our instincts. I embrace what it is to be human and every day my blog posts reflect that. I do not cower to any threat to my nature yet I am well positioned to reflect back my nurturing care and inquiring wonder. I have compassion for all things and I am curious about all things. It is who I am and I would fight to the death to preserve who I am. There is nothing ignoble in living in reality with the determination to preserve our most sacred species. Because despite the struggle many seem to be fighting, the truth of things will triumph. It may take a few wrong turns on the path of life but in the end our species will bend toward who we are with strength and endurance.

Monday, August 28, 2023

(#5321) The false sense of safety with religion

      If I just believe I can eventually go to heaven and live forever in a beautiful place. If I just believe I can escape the ravages of hell for those who don't believe. If I just believe... I have heard all the promises of what believing will bring. If I just believe. Well I don't believe so there goes all that wishful thinking. The reason being is that religion requires us to suspend our logic and common sense and accept what we non believers see as the impossible. Impossible because there is not one bit of proof to support religion and all that it claims. I am not one to be afraid of having been born and living a life.
     I accept that I don't know what this existence is all about. But I accept it as real. Nothing about believing in religion is real, so why would I? If I am going to make something up to believe in I certainly wouldn't choose what are the options for religions out there now. I am not trying to be a contrarian here but in this case about believing in a religion I am just flabbergasted at how many people are willing to suspend reality in order to be in a fantasy. I know life is hard and there are too many problems always afflicting us but quitting on them and remaking reality into something that is absurd is beyond the bounds of normalcy.
     I am a spiritual man about our existence. Something as awesome as our Universe is not to be dismissed as random, however to believe that some magical omnipotent figure is the architect of it all is not my reckoning. My spiritualism is that we are all connected to a thread or vibration in time and this iteration of it is what we are discovering. What that leads to is not known to me but regardless it is what can be observed and understood at least in simple form. Creating another reality out of it is just illogical and unhelpful. We exist and then we don't. Given what knowledge we have and what knowledge we are concluding, this existence is bare bones and no amount of wishful thinking is going to change our reality. Only our ability to discover will bring the truth of it all out in the end if we are lucky to survive our fears.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

(#5320) Russia is scrambling as Ukraine forces through front line

      The defensive fortifications that Russia constructed behind the front lines in anticipation of the long awaited Ukrainian counter offensive is sorely being tested. Ukraine has broken through in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast and is primed to advance to the Black Sea. So Russia now must pull troops from other front line defenses to help stem the Ukrainian breakthrough. Which now leaves many other front line positions less fortified and primed for Ukrainian attacks. Russia has limited resources in the occupied areas of Ukraine and their supply lines are constantly being interrupted by Ukrainian offensive air attack strategies.
     This may be the moment where the Ukrainian counter offensive begins its forceful push to the Black Sea. Effectively cutting the Russian forces in half and bringing chaos to their evacuations. It is just in the beginning phases but it does seem like the most probable scenario going forward. Now that the first defensive line that Russia established is now crossed the next layers of defense are not as sophisticated and should prove less formidable for Ukraine to defeat. Russia is quite vulnerable on the backside of their defenses and Ukraine will undoubtedly exploit that weakness.
     If in the next few weeks we see Ukraine continue to push toward the Black Sea then we will know that this invasion by Russia that actually started in 2014 will be reversed and Russia will be forced to flee toward their original borders. Crimea will be liberated and then it will be the battle for Donbas that will occupy Ukraine's agenda. How demoralizing for the putin regime to see the folly of their world dominating hubris turn into a living nightmare. Russia once held a mystic about its military might, no longer though. Ukraine has shown the world that when it comes to courage and through the will to fight, Russia is nothing more than a paper tiger ready to be torn to shreds!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

(#5319) Life is good when I am not being indicted

      I know we have all had a brush with the law and felt the uneasiness of it. Waiting to go to court or getting bailed out from jail. the anxiety is overwhelming. But we get through it and make sure we don't have to put up with that level of uncertainty and disruption in our lives again. Well it must be tough for trump right now to shake any of that anxiety and uncertainty he is feeling. He has four indictments already hanging over his head with another coming very soon from Arizona. The displeasure he is feeling has to be constant. Little can he think of that doesn't bring him back to his well earned misfortune.
     I do not have one bone in my body that feels sorry for him at all. He is a conman who has run his con out to where he is now. He has and continues to gain from his con but the cost/benefit of his con is now on the cost side. He will pay for his dishonesty and unpatriotic actions. So all that he is feeling he has earned with interest. A man who wasn't as corruptible as trump would have thrown in the towel on his con a long time ago when he failed to achieve its intent of overthrowing a legal election. No, not trump! He has the mindset of a man who thinks he is invincible and cannot fathom being caught out. Well, we can fathom that now even if he still can't!
     His options for the very near future are bleak. He can either stay here in America and answer for his at this point 91 alleged crimes or he could still take another route and run to a non extradition country. My logic tells me he will run. But then again that opens up another set of problems for him. These aren't the days where the world could hide notorious figures. These days we are all connected through the Internet and no amount of careful planning by trump will keep him from being located. He is a soft man who needs the luxuries of life so finding him would even be easier. Him being protected by some dictator would only put him at a disadvantage at some point and then he would be used as a pawn for some other dictatorial gain. Either way trump is going to pay for his con and his paying is welcome by me.

Friday, August 25, 2023

(#5318) Will trump flee?

      Another indictment is imminent coming from Arizona which would have trump facing his fifth indictment. I don't know about the regular person like you and me but I can guess that we would be worried sick about it especially if we knew for a fact that we were guilty. I expect that trump knows this as well and is working overtime to hide it and hide behind false bravado and ridiculous claims of persecution. First off the grand juries indicted him and the grand juries are made up of every day people. There is no political agenda to their deliberations of guilt or innocence.
     That four grand juries so far have found trump deeply involved in illegal activities is persuasive and well troubling for the appointed by the electoral college ex president. So thinking long and hard about this makes me fall on the side of trump preparing to leave the country and settle somewhere he is protected from the American legal system. His criminality would net him decades in prison when convicted so why would he stay if he cannot see a way to avoid prison? He is much like a cornered animal and will do anything to allay his coming upsetting future here in America.
     I suspect that he is gathering up his assets in a way that is under the table and not visible to the many of us. I even heard he has put his home in Florida on the market. Rumors for sure but rumors that make sense if trump were preparing to leave the country. He will need all the finances he can muster in order to survive in the luxury he expects for himself. He may well still collect from his followers but surely less so if he has warrants out for his arrest. I still suspect that trump will avoid a trial and run if the choice is one or the other. He is not a person of character and is most likely guilty of most if not all the so far 91 crimes that he is facing. He will abscond and let the bounty hunters begin...

Thursday, August 24, 2023

(#5317) There is no American political candidate for president in 2024 better than Joe Biden!

      Joe Biden serves us all. Yes, he is even serving republicans who vote against him. You won't find that with any other candidate. Joe went out of his way to include all senators and representatives in formulating ideas for our recovery after Covid. He negotiated with republicans and democrats to inoculate all Americans from Covid that trump let fester in America. Joe got an infrastructure bill passed in Congress that is now working to fix our decaying roads and bridges. He made it possible for every communities in America to have access to broadband. I cannot stress how important it is for all Americans to be able to access broadband as it is the future of our economic and social societies.
     More people have health coverage now than at any time in the history of our nation thanks to Joe. If he could somehow pass an acceptable universal health care plan with both democrats and republicans he would in a heartbeat. He has already gotten passed into law the ability of Medicare to negotiate lower prices for their access to prescription drugs. As to climate change there is a major victory for clean energy over dirty energy. A law passed to transition from oil and coal is moving forward to increase alternative green energy policies making us less dependent on the whims of foreign oil and helping to keep our citizens even more healthy.
     From a consequential federal gun safety bill to investments in mental health Joe is trying to tackle mass shootings in our communities. Tens of millions of students have seen their student loans lowered by over $20,000. Joe has made investments in American manufacturing through the Chips and Science Act which dramatically increases microchip manufacturing here in America. From feeding hungry children to providing opportunities for work for their parents Joe Biden is head and shoulders above any candidate for president. The jobs that have been created under Joe Biden over his first 2 1/2 years is over 13 million. No president in American history has had such a positive influence on creating an economy that works for all Americans!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

(#5316) One foot in front of the other

      A lot of stuff happening in my life yet I am not overwhelmed by it. Because I keep in mind that others have much more going in in their lives and it is much more intense and difficult. Yet my own problems in life are not Cadillac problems. My brother John is waning and the knowledge of his condition does not abate the sorrow that is building up in me. Had I not been so close to what is happening to him maybe I wouldn't feel the enormity of his life and death struggle, yet that is not my position.
     As each day continues to flow by I find that I am slowing down in my own life. I see myself reflecting on a lot of the past and how I lived it. Not that I would or could change it but in how I lived and the choices that came with it. I don't like spending too much time reflecting on things that are in the past so this reflecting time is not something that is desired. When I am in the present I choose my path and live with it. I cannot live in the "what if" realm I can only accept my fate and keep looking to the next present moment. My future will be the culmination of my decisions in real time so hopefully at this age I have mastered my path and stay upon it.
     As problems go I have a few but I am also grateful for the good that has been given to me. I try to create an atmosphere of welcoming and respect in my living life so that there is no doubt as to my inner happiness. Even though my inner happiness is tried it is still true. Like getting up out of bed early on a Wednesday morning, it is just feet hit the floor and put on foot in front of the other. life goes on no matter our problems and our ability to handle them. I get another day in existence to make my world and the larger world a little bit better and that in itself is enough to invigorate me to challenge my day with hope.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

(#5315) Courage is a virtue!

      I know that being courageous requires sacrifice. I get that. However courage is a value that is multiplied within your life to give you a sense of being human. We are a bold species whose very survival required us to take risks for the sake of survival. We as a species have conquered for the most part our environment and are now the stewards of that environment. What we do with that is now our next mission. We need to not only take what we have gained over the span of our human existence but we have to add to that. Building greater paradigms for all of us to exist within and succeed in living good and promising lives.
     That will take courage as there are those who would not want for all of us to succeed in the better and best of what humanity has to offer. There are too many who feel like they are special beyond the many other of us and fight hard to deny rights and liberties they themselves enjoy. Those are the people we need to find our courage to confront and stop them from bullying the rest of us from having the same dream they would have for themselves. Courage is a choice, not an instinct. We have to gird ourselves with the knowledge that courage is the greater choice when cowardice is also available. I know it isn't easy because we all want to survive but if survival is more obedience to the bully, then bedamned survival in that case.
     Principles for living like honor, respect, duty, personal character, and many others are built upon the courage to defend them when they are under attack. Knowing that democracy demands equality is the first concept we should understand when an attack is being waged. When some would deny democracy to others for no other reason than them being tyrannical then the tyrant needs to be confronted. Equality gives no one the right to take rights away from any one else except for punishments of crimes and only by the rule of law through the will of the majority of people. Courage is a virtue and to protect all our virtues we need to stand up to protect them!

Monday, August 21, 2023

(#5314) The smell of rain in the air in August

      I am sitting here thinking about a subject to write about but I can't get out of my mind the wonderful smell of rain in the air. It is just after 5 am here in Sacramento and the windows are open to let the breezy rainy air into the house. It is a warm kind of muggy rain smell but nonetheless it is so unusual for us here to have rain in the month of August. Almost unheard of to be more precise. I know we are getting the edge of the remnant of the Hurricane that hit California's southern coast. Most of southern California got a good drenching but we here in the Sacramento valley are only getting drizzle not down pours.
     The temperatures this time of year are around 100 degrees daily with a slowly winding down toward the mid 90's. So the idea that rain is pattering down on my roof was enough for me to go outside and stand in it to soak in the little bit I could. The weather map shows that the rain will likely stop in about 3 or 4 hours as the wet weather system breaks down and moves further east. But until then I am hopeful that the ground here will get an unexpected watering to ease some of the drought like conditions we have in Central California. It will be another 2 months before we can expect the normal chances for rain to appear so this morning is a treat for me.
     I have said this numerous times, that as I get older the more I appreciate the cooler climates of places like Seattle Washington. When I was younger and full of vigor I loved the hot days and the local lakes and rivers where I could cool off from the outside activities. Now I am all about staying close to home and feeling the rain as it comes down. I am still here in Sacramento but if I had my druthers I would be in the Seattle area somewhere. I like the rain and when it shows up, even if fleetingly, in a very unusual way like this morning, then my spirit is lifted and I enjoy the moment in an inspiringly profound way.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

(#5313) F-16's are in Ukraine with many more coming

      I wish this would have happened a year ago so that all this lost time without them could and would have saved innumerable Ukrainian lives. I get that the western allies were in caution, but caution is not the friend of those who are under attack. With the capability to fly f-16's now the counter offensive by Ukraine may well start to improve in advancement and in protecting lives of Ukrainians. The infantry of Ukraine has been battling along a wide front and sustaining casualties without the proper air support. That air support is about to change things on the ground at the front.
     Another change is Ukraine will be able to protect a grain corridor for shipping without Russia being an obstacle. That grain is vital to the world and with Russia making it hard for Ukraine to get that grain to market the world suffers. Not going forward though as the F-16's will be able to chase off and when necessary shoot at the Russian ships that try to interfere. Russia's naval bases on occupied Ukrainian land will also become vulnerable to air attacks that are not now as effective. The change going forward in how this counterattack by Ukraine is developing will be heavily bolstered by the F-16's and their ability to disrupt the Russian defense lines at sea and at the front.
     Russia has very few defenses against the F-16 so Ukraine will be poised to break the front lines down much more easily allowing their artillery, mechanized units, and infantry far more accessibility than is currently available. In other words the F-16 is a game changer giving Ukraine another strong weapon to utilize against the Russian aggressor. The only peace to be had is for Russia to be out of Ukraine and Ukraine given it's freedom to choose it's own destiny. Russia is about to find out that invading Ukraine in order to neutralize this noble people for them demanding to decide their own fate was the worst decision they could have made as Ukraine is at the threshold of victory with the F-16 as its ally.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

(#5312) Staying above the muck

      I will rarely write about republican politics and if I do it is not positive. The reason being is that I have always disdained conservative politics since the last decent normal republican was Dwight D, Eisenhower. Every republican who has followed Eisenhower has never even come close to filling his shoes of representing all Americans. So a friend of mine asked me several months ago what I thought about the republican candidates for president and I told him this. None of it matters because they are all crap when it comes to being democratic leaders. They do not represent the majority of Americans they only represent what they consider to being acceptable within their limited definition of freedom and liberty.
     Otherwise those who disagree with the republican narrow view of equality and fairness are labeled un American and attacked for their right to be who they are. So his question was answered simply by me saying "I don't care who they are". Nothing they do on a debate stage or in the coming elections will ever whitewash their party's attempt to overthrow our elections and steal the presidency as well. The republican party is a sick party full of people who embarrass and anger good folks who only want everyone to experience the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The republican party does not want that for all they only want their controlling version of it for all.
     He also asked me about the policies of republicans and what I thought about them. Well I cannot think of a policy that republicans represent that is shared by a majority of Americans. Not one. The only thing republicans stand for is more wealth for the rich and less help for the not rich. After that it is just a slew of removing programs that help the working middle poor class. The republican party is a pig trough for the wealthy and a boot to the neck of the working middle poor class. So my answer to his second question was "what policies?" I find that ignoring everything coming from the republican party keeps me in a healthy place where I am not constantly disappointed by their utter lack of care and duty to our democracy.

Friday, August 18, 2023

(#5311) Ukraine is unstoppable

      The time Russia had before the Ukrainian counter offensive began to mine and dig trenches as defensive tactics was months. So when the Ukrainian counter offensive started the going was slow. The reason for the slow going was of course the obstacles that Russia put at the front line. But also because Ukraine does not treat it's soldiers as expendable. Each soldiers life is dear so they did not rush into any combat situation where they were not best prepared to limit their casualties. You see the difference in approach between the Ukrainian army and the Russian army. Putin sends his troops in waves into heavy fire that causes massive deaths whereas Ukraine does not employ the cannon fodder tactic.
     What has also stymied Ukraine for a while are all the land mines that are spread out across the passable areas at the front line. But now that Ukraine has cluster munitions those mines are less a threat. Yet anti mine vehicles are still sorely needed. But the biggest get that now is on the table for Ukraine are the F-16 fighter jets. As soon as Ukrainian aviators are cleared for usage of them they can start using them as the sharp end of the spear so to speak and clear out many of the defensive positions that Russia is still holding. Plus with F-16s the ability to control a sea corridor to send their grain to market becomes real. The F-16's will shorten the counter offensive measurably and at the same time save Ukrainian lives.
     Russia is already in a jam with their supplies being diverted and destroyed in getting to the front line so very shortly Ukraine will be able to move east and south to reclaim the Donbas region, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Kherson Oblast, and Crimea. Ukraine is ready and willing to fight for their homeland but they are not foolish enough to enter any traps that Russia would lead them. It may take longer to achieve but when Ukraine has finally removed the Russian horde from their territory they will have suffered far fewer losses than if they let their emotional anger guide them. Ukraine is winning this invasion by Russia and when the dust settles Russia will no longer be a bully to Eastern Europe.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

(#5310) The music I listen to when I may

      I was of the Beatle generation when it comes to music. In the early to mid sixties I started to hear the kind of music that made my soul soar. The rock and roll era epitomized by the musicians and bands at Woodstock is the best way for me to describe my kind of music. Yet, even Woodstock is not inclusive enough. Yes, even a song or two from the Jackson Five to heavy dark metal of Black Sabbath. With just about everything in between. Motown to Led Zeppelin in my generation was something to behold. Fast forward to this morning I found myself listening to the Stones so as to hear Keith Richards guitar work on Gimme Shelter.
     It is not surprising to me anyway that each generation has their style of music that makes their souls soar. I respect and honor that. No one has to like my favorite music because for me it birthed in real time and can never be unheard from that time. I have many memories of so many times that particular music from my life has dominated my time and space. Entertainment is not easily accomplished but for me so many songs from my generation do exactly that for me. I feel the vibrations of those songs and they resonate within my whole being. I would talk about how vibrations are the essence of life in many ways but for now I will hold off. Because the effect of those vibrations, sound in my ears, is what enthralls me today.
     When I am driving I will not listen to music because I spend a lot of time paying attention to the road and as well thinking about all of life and my life in particular. But at other times like when I am up early in the morning during my computer time I try to string together some of my favorite songs and even post them to Facebook as I am listening to them on YouTube. Today marks the last day, August 17th, 54 years ago of Woodstock's music at Max Yasgur's farm. More than a half of a century has passed yet to me that festival of rebellion and coming together is like it was just yesterday. We move on from our previous days because that is what we do but some things will never leave us like in this case the music of our generation that put wings to our souls.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

(#5309) Keeping busy and staying alert

      Some people may ask you after you reach an older age what it took to get to an older age. Well a lot of luck for the most part for me. I did some wild and crazy things in my youth that very well could have ended me back then. So first off surviving my youth was the main objective to surviving into my older age. But after the hubris of youth is lessened the next vital step to living a longer life is to curtail or quit the bad things we put into our bodies. Staying healthy in the areas we can control will go a long way toward living a longer life. But even after that I find now that I am about to turn 68 that my mind and body need to be doing activities that are not only complex but somewhat vigorous.
     Keeping my mind sharp is what I worry about the most. I was athletic when I was younger and understand the need for keeping my body somewhat active. But it is the mind work that is by far for me the most intriguing problem to tackle. I have done puzzles in the past that kept my focus but that was not enough. I found that I need to be making decisions about things in real time that have more consequence than a puzzle on a page. Testing my reaction time to real life in ways that are safe yet also challenging. So the idea of a retirement into hobbies and relaxing are not the answer for me. I have to stay busy with actions that supersede my own expectations.
     Foremost for me is the mind aspect. I cannot nor will not let my mind wander aimlessly because I can. I have the inclination to stay focused so that my mind doesn't start to desert me. I have a lifetime of experiences and knowledge in my head and in no universe do I want to let go of that. So keeping my mind sharp and not worrying about trying to remember every detail is okay. I don't need a razor sharp mind to continue surviving but I do need a good functioning memory and an ability to reason, analyze, and conclude. My mind is the most important aspect of my life that needs to keep up or I fear that the rest of me will not.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

(#5308) The wheels of democracy are still moving forward

      With another set of indictments against the conman trump coming in last evening we can be reasonably assured that a form of justice is coming for the worst person ever to become an appointed president, by the electoral college, not the popular vote, of the United States of America. This trumpian gambit of his to elevate himself above the law is not working very well and instead is about to backfire on him in a most just way. This latest Georgia state indictment is different from the other federal indictments in that the televised trial of it may well be allowed. Not only that there are RICO charges attached which require if convicted incarceration of some form and length of time.
     Now I have heard discussed that the localities involved in bringing all these indictments are friendly democratic conclaves. Well the indictments happened in jurisdictions that trump chose. As well the witnesses to trump and his alleged crimes is being offered by republican sources, not democratic ones. So the republican party can once again say this is a witch hunt but if we correctly describe their definition, it is a republican witch hunt of trump. His coconspirators have turned on him and to save their own skin have told the truth to grand juries about trump and his systematic operation of criminality. This whole paradigm of indictments of trump is solely on those who committed offenses, not the people who hold them to account for their criminality.
      Yesterday evening and this morning feel different somehow in that our justice system, albeit slow at times, is still moving along. Our democracy is still intact and the principles that make up our rule of law are still in force. An accounting for bad behavior is coming for those who are caught out so trying to change the narrative to one of others are picking on me is a sad defense for the acts of a lawbreaker. We the people of America need to follow through on the rule of law and apply it to every lawbreaker who is a beneficiary of our democracy. None should be above the law like trump desired and none should be free from the punishment of breaking the law when indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced!

Monday, August 14, 2023

(#5307) The republican party has become a home for christo/fascists

      Not all Christians are fascists but those that are belong to the republican party. The idea that this is something new is ludicrous considering nazi Germany tried to rule the world through murdering 80 years ago as a Christo/fascist nationalistic movement. The absurdity of Americans becoming what we defeated back then is now our current reality. The awfulness that was nazism is now being pretzeled as a virtue by the republican party and it's candidates. Destroying democracy had already been a part of republican politics as noted by the denial of voting rights and the diminution of individual rights. Now their charge to force a biased form of Christianity as a national religion despite it being far from traditional Christianity.
     For one thing religion is a belief system, not a fact system, so when republicans try to bring back the dark ages of religious warfare it stinks of subterfuge and betrayal on their part. They, the republican party, are trying to wedge people against people in order to cause confusion. They don't like the liberty and equality that democracy affords all living human beings so they are strategic about how they will work to keep denying rights. The republican party will use other paradigms to sow discontent within our society by taking things out of context and forcing divisive objectives where inclusive objectives need to be.
     Using fear to dominate our politics and social order is a republican trademark. The republican party gave up long ago trying to represent the will of we the people and instead are intent upon bending we the people to their will. Much like tyrants in the world are prone to do. Much like in Russia with putin being the head and all of Russia being his feet. The idea that trump wished for the same ability is not lost on those of us who see his vanity and arrogance. Christo/fascism is the vehicle by which republicans hope to ride to power. The question is now will we the people of American democracy allow the arrogant wannabe dictator trump achieve his dream of subjugating us like putin has subjugated his people?

Sunday, August 13, 2023

(#5306) The republicans want to destroy democracy and the rule of law

      If you are a republican party voter you will likely not like what I am about to say. The thing is though that the facts and truths don't care about whether you like them or not. They are just emotionless reality and nothing about your feelings will ever change them. You can deny them and/or look the other way and pretend that you have greater reasons for your republican vote but nonetheless, you are what I am about to describe and it will be your legacy. If you look over at Ukraine and the too many republicans complaining that it is a war that has nothing to do with us you are in denial.
     The Russian invasion of Ukraine is about a dictator destroying another nation because they want democracy. If Ukraine is defeated then Russia will look to the next democracy beyond Ukraine and set out to invade them. Russia has no respect for the rule of law and democracy. They want tyranny and soul crushing rules for only those who are not in power. Much like the master/slave paradigm where most are subject to the whim of a few. This is what the republican voter is voting to accomplish. What percent lack of conscious does it take to want to side with the darkest moments in recorded human history? How can there be more than a miniscule amount of people who would side this way?
     We look here in America at the trump phenomenon and shake our heads at the gullibility of too many who would risk their lives for a conman who wouldn't give a whit about them? Yet like the Pied Piper they would walk off a cliff if he asked. The cult figure the republicans are aligning with is anti democracy and for himself free from the rule of law. You get that correct? The republican party wants a tyrant to lead our country and nothing in their minds about our democracy is above that. Not free individual rights nor a set of laws that govern all of us like democracy demands. If you vote for republicans in the next election then you are the evil that is coming to destroy what America has been fighting to preserve inside and outside for over our entire history. There is a name for that...

Saturday, August 12, 2023

(#5305) My will never changes but my body does

      I know this is no surprise to a lot of people who are living in this reality but it has to be said. Our bodies are changing into the older forms of whom we were but our inner desires and determinations do not age. Sure we get tired more often and our vigor to push through is affected by our physical abilities but we are still the young vibrant inner souls we started out as. Which is the tragedy in a lot of respects. We are used to how we are as our individual selves but our bodies have not kept pace. So we must modify our strivings to fit into what our bodies will allow.
     My current problem is that I think I can do things out ahead in my head and then when I do complete them I am utterly exhausted when those things are of any normal for me time duration. My durations for doing things must be modified or I will not end well. I know that but my mind and soul are not on board. We humans are a very complicated species which gives me much hope that we will be able to survive any circumstance including our own possible destruction. We are able to adapt when adapting is against the fiber of our existence. We are not the only species that can adapt to survive but none other have our physical nor mental advancement.
     Much of my life's experiences have been learned from trial and error of my own or observing others. So it is with understanding my own limitations. I will eventually come around to the fact that my abilities are not what they were and instead are but a lesser portion of what they were. However it is mornings like this when I have awoken from the previous day that tested my endurance and found me wanting. I completed my goal but at what cost? I suppose it is my way of fighting back against the ravages of time on the hubris of my youth even if the effort is illogical. Like I said though, we are an amazing species and even in our less than stellar illogical attempts we can glean "a learning" from it.

Friday, August 11, 2023

(#5304) Dog days of August

      I used to like august because it is my birth month. But lately I am not so enthused about August. For one thing my birthday is not a big deal to me anymore. The older I get the more it reminds me that my best days are behind me. Plus living here in Sacramento, California the heat in August is too much. June and July were hot as well but now that I have gotten to August the heat has worn me out and gives me little to get happy about. In the last several decades I have become a big fan of low temperatures like rain and snow. So these dog days are not bringing out the best in me.
     However here in Sacramento I will remain despite the heat and the constant allure of cooler climes like in the Seattle area. I have spent a lot of years in the northern area of Seattle and if there was a place I would go given the opportunity it would be back up to Seattle. The greenery and the cool temperatures are fantastic in my view. Whereas here in Sacramento the brown color of too much of the plant growth is indicative of how hot it is. Sacramento is my home town so I will always feel a sentimental attachment to it as well with social contacts but the diversity and the opportunity that Seattle offers even beyond the climate and view is special. Seattle will always be my second home.
     I hope this month is the last month that temperatures will reach over 100° but I expect September will try to thwart my hope. Yet September is the transition month traditionally and may well show drops in temperature instead of maintaining the ones from August. We will see how that happens this year with record high temperatures nearly every month. The older I get the harder it is for me to get outside in this heat and accomplish anything of any lengthy duration. So I have to time my outside time around the early morning hours or the late evening hours. Such is the life living in a hot part of the country.

Thursday, August 10, 2023

(#5303) Today's activities

      Let me first start by saying that today has been trying even though it was a low key day at the start. A family member has been causing a stir about John's behavior at the care facility even though this family member has been mostly out of touch for most of John's care since the stroke. But regardless the family member has been stirring up others with a barrage of accusations and unkind comments. I am a tough old bird so no amount of stupid is going to bother me but having to field questions from those this person contacted has eaten up much of my day.
     I saw John yesterday and also this morning after my own doctor appointments concerning my health. From my observations and previous recommendations for John to be looked at for his overwhelming anxiety symptoms I have come to the conclusion that the amount of the new drug that was prescribed to John two days ago was too much. So with prodding on my part the doctor has just lowered John's new medication by half. This should allow John some more cognitive time between rest. He was lethargic and often in a daze the last two times I visited him. I will see him again tomorrow after work to see if the medicinal adjustment was enough.
     This family member has no idea what those of us who are actually doing the day to day care for John have observed and experienced first hand. So instead of answering this person's attack filled messages I just ignore them. I am John's legal and medical guardian and as such do all I can for the sake of John and will not be ambushed by someone who thinks they know more without all the facts. Which is why it has taken me so long to get this blog post out. But here it is and although it isn't really informative much it is up to date like I have been about John's care. Some people need to get their own lives together before spilling their ignorance and venom out onto others.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

(#5302) Is this the moment in Ukraine?

      Ukraine's counter offensive is starting to take shape as to it's overall objective. For the last many weeks Ukraine has been probing the front line with limited success but what that success has given is a better picture of how to attack the Russians and break through with Ukraine's reserves. It is still early on this assumption but it appears that from the Kherson region an attack through the Russian lines is imminent. A wide breach there has already happened and now we will see how the fighting goes for advancement. If also successful in the next day or so then expect Ukraine to move it's reserves into position for an advancement toward Crimea.
     The distance from the Kherson region to Crimea is the shortest of all the possible attack zones so this breach is well timed to take advantage of the shorter distance. Plus the Russians moved their most skilled fighters from the region over to the Zaporizhzhia region. Which leaves the less entrenched Kherson region vulnerable to the Ukrainian counter offensive. Ukraine has been attacking with missiles for months the supply lines Russia has used for supplying the Kherson region. With supplies low and Russian troops exhausted from their low morale the time may be just perfect for a massive Ukrainian assault.
     Tomorrow should give us a better picture as to how this current wide breach of the Russian front line is utilized. Ukraine retaking Crimea would be such a blow to putin in Russia that he will find that his safety will be much more difficult to protect. Much needs to be done first by Ukraine but pouring through this current breach is a tremendous start if that is what Ukraine does. Russia is weakened and cannot put up much of a fight against the offensive/defensive armaments Ukraine has now in it's stockpiles if Ukraine comes at them from the Kherson region. This may be the moment that so many of us have been waiting for from the Ukrainian counter offensive.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

(#5301) Living in reality

      What is reality? Well to me it is being in a conscience state of awareness to our environment. I am in this plane of existence and it is consistently attached to one time and space. I wake up and go to sleep in the same place. I live the duration of my life in only this existence. So having rules that govern all of our time in this reality is wise and necessary. As we human beings are like data processors, we input information with the ability to reason, analyze, and conclude. This is science at it's core. Evidence applied to a consistent method. In counting when 2 things are added to 2 other things the answer will always be 4 things, regardless of what the things are.
     We imagine and create based upon our knowledge and the process we use to verify our knowledge as true. A consistent method is evolved and solutions are derived from it. This is how we go to space or navigate the seas by the stars. We measure distances and create common languages. We do all these things from the process of scientific discovery. Even art which can at times seem chaotic is within the scope of rational thinking about the irrational. We base everything we do on a formula of acceptance that is proven to apply methodology to science and logic. Science and logic are the foundation from which we begin on and are proved through our innovations. We all have the same possibility to successfully apply science and logic and have it accepted as fact.
     None of us is excluded in this. We are all on the same path of science, it is whether we choose to imagine and/or create paradigms from it. What is exciting to me is that we all can share in this. Discovery and innovation is not biased in that regard. We can choose to communicate through science and logic in order to improve the human condition and by extension all the living species' on our planet. Science and logic are a path forward into our human being manifest destiny not only on Earth but in generations to come throughout our Universe. We master our own time and space in this reality through the process of science and logic applied to a proven method. The possibilities of what the human being experience becomes will always hinge on science and logic.

Monday, August 7, 2023

(#5300) 5,300 and 250,000

      Today mark's my 5,300 post and also marks the 250,000 dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine. Milestones are important in life as they often remind us of accomplishments or sorrows. The 5,300th post is one of a lot of posts. Especially daily because it is over nearly a 15 year span. Each day I have tried to post about something that has caught my imagination and hopefully yours as well. I still post for myself in order to tell the Universe what is going on between my ears and in my heart and soul. A record if you will of the fact that I exist and one for hopefully offering information that may be useful to others.
     As to the 250,000 and more of dead Russian soldiers in Ukraine that in itself is a horror that is beyond anything I expected except that it actually is happening in real time. Early on in this monstrous invasion by putin I kept saying that the Russian people would not stand for the numbers being killed in Ukraine for their tyrant leader putin. Well I have been absolutely proven wrong on that score. Not only are the Russians still funneling their young men to a certain death in the 18th month of this perfidious invasion they are not uprising to stop the madman putin and his kremlin boot lickers. So more than 250,000 dead Russian soldiers will not be the final tally when this is all said and done.
     In January of 2009 when I first started my blog President Obama was in office for his 11th day. Today President Biden is carrying on the legacy of President Obama and exceeding it. The four lost years with trump were a difficult time for all of us but they are behind us now. In February 2022 Russia had fewer than 250,000 troops stationed at the Ukrainian border. So not only has that total been wiped out but many more as well. In the intervening time from the start of the horrendous invasion Russia has actually lost more ground in Ukraine than what they started out with. As each new day arrives the Russians lose even more. Two different milestones at two different ends of the spectrum.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

(#5299) Cleaning John's room on this Sunday

      All John's belongings in his room have been packed away by Debbie and Laurie and carted out into the front room with his furniture so that we can give his room a deep cleaning. The hospital bed is taken apart and stacked against the wall for some other storage spot out into the den which is where I am storing unneeded items of furniture and personal items. The problem at the moment is that I have a lot of stuff that has filled the den over the last year so I cannot temporarily store John's things for now. But the walls and baseboards have gotten attention and now the carpet has been thoroughly vacuumed and right now the carpet cleaning machine is doing it's magic.
     I bought a carpet cleaner last month in anticipation of needing it in John's room since he was prone to making messes on the floor. Soon, by tomorrow I should be able to put back his regular bed and store his other belongings back into his room. John wanted me to keep his room for him and for now I will do that. There will come a point where it becomes obvious that John will not be able to come back home. That is the diagnosis but I will not fully believe it until I see it. Until then I am going about the business of cleaning his room in anticipation of his return. All of this is a bit surreal and really hit home with me yesterday when I was sitting with him in the big room just before breakfast at the care facility.
     John was again hollering for help when I got there and when I went to where he was he was sitting in a wheelchair full of anxiety. I told him what happened to him, A loss of blood to his brain that resulted in parts of his brain deprived of blood and oxygen for too long. I Also told him that all the people in the care home were there to help him with his needs. I didn't tell him that his symptoms were irreversible because again I don't want to negate his hope. I want him to fight to the end for his life and do what he can to overcome his physical liabilities. He deserves the fight and hopefully he will fight harder against the odds.

Saturday, August 5, 2023

(#5298) Never stop doing the correct thing

      Sometimes I stew in my anxiety over a situation until I once again remember that my anxiety is about expectation and not about my acts or behaviors. I cannot control that which I am not in charge of so for me to sit in my stewing for any time at all is irrational. I just keep doing the right thing one step at a time and let the whims of fate have their way. I do what I must and then whatever happens is what happens. I don't try to manipulate or supersede I just let the flow of life be it's own designing course. I find peace with that regardless the outcome. Sure it is great to have things just so in order for plans to remain steady but life isn't about always being in a safe harbor where our lives are packaged into neat little boxes.
     Uncertainty is part of life and very few if not any of us ever get away from that feeling. So my life has it in an abundance at the moment and as it builds toward a crescendo I do begin to feel anxious. However I need to always remember that there are many souls out there who are experiencing even more uncertainty and that my smaller in the big picture problems are truly insignificant in scope. I like this blogging for this purpose. I am able to talk myself through my own distractions so that I can clearly see my solutions. It is like therapy in a way because I will always be honest with myself and I don't mind that others get to see my own struggles with life through this process.
     All I know for sure is that each new struggle will always present a new pathway for me to consider. Eventuality is where I end up when I need to navigate a new road in my life. I eventually get to the point where change is happening and with that change new opportunity. As an optimist, which is not easy in our current times, I realize the importance of opening up my possibilities to other considerations. I am not stagnant in the living of my life so there is no anchor anywhere that I must keep buried. I do want to keep order and sanity in my life but I also want new and undiscovered phenomenon as well. As I move beyond the little picture I get caught up in and remember that a bigger always picture exists I find a calming effect and can let any residue of anxiety go.

Friday, August 4, 2023

(#5297) Democracy extends our lives, tyranny shortens our lives

      Community is like democracy, whereas "dog eat dog" is like tyranny. Civilization has evolved in our communities to dominate our behaviors. We take care of each other not because we love each other per se... but because we have a duty of care to each other under our democratic system. So even the unlovable have a right to not die in the streets if they so choose. Under tyranny the tyrant can end life as he/she deems fit. Look at Russia right now where people of all ages are being forced into fighting in Ukraine despite their own choice to not fight in Ukraine. Tyranny is the pleasure of the tyrant and those who do not bend a knee to them will certainly not end well.
     Rights and freedoms are some hallmarks of democracy and the right to choose is an equally important right. None of these exist in a tyranny because tyrannies are not equal. They are all about the ruler(s) and their desire for what they want or need. The subjects under tyranny are the pawns in a match where danger and death is there fate. 248,000 or more troops in Russia have bled out in Ukraine and no longer exist as human beings. This is just one effect of tyranny. Where the masses are used as cannon fodder in order for the tyrant to obtain an objective. Even if the plan is to send many more thousands to their death no matter to the tyrant.
     Under democracy we the people decide the fate of our destinies not some psychopath who is all in on world domination. Where democracy gives us opportunity to define ourselves, tyranny only gives the tyrant that opportunity. So if the tyrant wants to be a mass murderer, which by the way all tyrants become, then no one can stop them short of a revolution. In a democracy if our leaders become insensitive to the wants and desires of we the people, we can just vote them out in the next election. The people under tyrants have no such option as this. In a tyranny the ruler is the decider of our fates whereas in a democracy we the people are the deciders of our fates. Seems like a no brainer to me to be in a democracy but unfortunately no brainers are becoming less apparent by the day.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

(#5296) Much like in Ukraine, the garbage must be taken out!

      Ukrainians know full well about taking out the garbage. They have had the interloper Russian horde in their backyard and kitchen for the last 9 years. It is time to do a real good spring cleaning and dispose of the intentional riff raff that think they are above the law. I could go on about our own intentional American riff raff needing the same disposing but that will be for another post. This post is about cleaning up my house. My physical house needs to be purged of the detritus that has built up over the last winter, spring, and now summer. As well there is the reorganizing of John's room for getting in there and going through it with a fine tooth comb.
     I will be packing up John's things and storing them temporarily in the den until I can get his room sanitized from his bout of hospice care there. I will be having a couple of nice ladies who are good at putting things right when it comes to organizing and cleaning, doing the cleaning while I will be the one to create space for all that is packed to store. My own personal living space needs cleaned as well since I have been unable to keep up with all the daily chores that are required to live in a clean space. I am feeling stronger as each day goes by so the idea of organizing John's belongings is not such a overwhelming task.
     I will focus my attention on clearing the garage and getting John's things collected and stored in there so that more space will be available for my things. There is much to do but getting started and moving the process along will soon lead to it being done and then we will wait to see how John fares in his current condition. He is not expected to survive but I know John and he, if anyone, will not go quietly into that goodnight. Still though, moving forward with cleaning and organizing is the goal just like in Ukraine and even here in America. I look forward to getting back to a normal that is less about what is and more about what could be.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

(#5295) As a species we need to gain our focus

      I have been trying to imagine a little bit to come up with an event that would allow all human beings the opportunity to focus on the best of who we are so that we can take another evolutionary step forward. Something of the nature of a shock to bring us all onto the same page. Possibly an alien visit that stops the pettiness of our daily lives and elevates us to another imagining. For us to be able to get on the same page we need our attention to be diverted to a unique event and the right kind of alien visit in my mind would work. The alien would have to be evolved from the same instincts that we already have within us like compassion and curiosity.
     Yet that is wishful thinking. Trying to imagine another paradigm that would allow us to stop in our tracks and clear our minds is daunting. Short of disasters like a planet destroying comet or some other type of imminent threat we as a species will not lean into coming together as we have already shown with our own climate problems and endless tyrannical beings. The situation, as we are now, is untenable. With new ways being discovered to hurt ourselves even more the time for an awakening for all of us is closely coming to a fork in the road. We either find a way to all pull together in the correct direction or we continue to pull against the very survival of our species.
     I am an optimist and will always try to find a way to bring us together but there are a lot of pessimists out there who could care less whether our species survives or not. It is quite discomforting to me that we human beings are so disorientated to who we are as a being. Our inability to assess our own individual characteristics and natural instincts is a problem but not an insurmountable one. We are currently focused in areas that have little or nothing to do with the long range existence of our species. Instead we are focused on the short term range of our own personal comfort and safety. We need to find it within us to force ourselves to be above the daily grind as it is. A major event that can capture all of our attentions so that we can reset and begin to live like the great species we are.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

(#5294) Keeping on the good foot

      The title is a slang term from my youth. Keeping on the good foot is an analogy for doing the correct and intelligent things that come into my life. Or staying in or maintaining a positive lifestyle. Get on the good foot is also something used to negate having started on the bad foot. Change to the better in that circumstance. Either way being on the good foot is always preferable. I bring this up because before my video visit with my doctor this morning the nurse asked me about my mental health. It wasn't just a casual question either. She asked several different varieties of questions about bullying, elder I assume, and other types of acts or thoughts that may be coming into my life.
     I, in my life, said of course nothing of the nature is happening in my life since in my mind I am the master of all things me. Yet the questions did trigger my imagination about why the priority of those questions were being asked. I can only conclude that people in their lives, family members and close associates, are being affected by those who would do them less than good for whatever reason. It makes sense thinking about how some in our nation are so disoriented about what their own roles in life are and spend way too much time trying to control the lives of others instead. As a trend I can reasonably conclude that the questions asked of me were not just rare in occurrence but more real than I had previously thought.
     I am a hard man in the ways of truth, facts, science, etcetera. I do not tolerate fools or willful ignorance. Regardless if related by blood or friendship I will discard any relationship that is contrary to reality. I suppose it is my way of keeping the illogical and brutish out of my life so that there are no mental health problems being perpetrated on me. I keep my own set of principles around me at all times. I am of the school that we are all just people who care and wonder so anything outside of those two instincts is not worthy of time and space in what is left of my life. I had to put up with less than intelligent and caring souls as I grew up but now I am the captain of my life and there is no time for those who would drop anchor and hold me back.