Wednesday, August 30, 2023

(#5323) We humans are way more than any artificial intelligence

      I like reminding we humans of what we are as a species. We are caring and curious and much much more. We are biological probes that have a physical form that is constantly being elevated. Not only are our own physics being advanced but our mental capabilities are as well. We each have a mind that is a computer with memory storage banks. We input and remember long and short term knowledge, thoughts, and actions in differing ways to help us along in our life journeys. Along with these memory banks we have a computerized system of evaluating and updating our memories in order to better facilitate our rationalities.
     We analyze, reason, and conclude at a constant pace with not only our current present situations but in the bigger picture to keep us on our pathway toward a happier life. We have the physical senses of touch, smell, hearing, sight, and taste. We use these senses by default so much that we often don't have to consciously enact them to activate them. Our behaviors are ingrained through their utility. These senses are similar to what a probe would be expected to do if we were to build one. Our minds which control the information these senses of ours receive are in a state of readiness to incorporate new information and add to our ever increasing mental evaluation system.
     Our physical abilities allow us freedom of movement to even leave our planet when we are able. We can exert our physical strengths in such a way as to affect all things around us. We literally, in this reality, are the masters of it despite our currently limited individual life spans. Our care for all things is also an amazing feature of our humanity. It allows us the ability to work together as a species to create, innovate and improve at an exponentially accelerated pace. Each generation of our species is evolving our species toward a human destiny of knowledge that will always be out ahead of any artificial intelligence we design as a tool to help us on our quest.

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