Sunday, August 20, 2023

(#5313) F-16's are in Ukraine with many more coming

      I wish this would have happened a year ago so that all this lost time without them could and would have saved innumerable Ukrainian lives. I get that the western allies were in caution, but caution is not the friend of those who are under attack. With the capability to fly f-16's now the counter offensive by Ukraine may well start to improve in advancement and in protecting lives of Ukrainians. The infantry of Ukraine has been battling along a wide front and sustaining casualties without the proper air support. That air support is about to change things on the ground at the front.
     Another change is Ukraine will be able to protect a grain corridor for shipping without Russia being an obstacle. That grain is vital to the world and with Russia making it hard for Ukraine to get that grain to market the world suffers. Not going forward though as the F-16's will be able to chase off and when necessary shoot at the Russian ships that try to interfere. Russia's naval bases on occupied Ukrainian land will also become vulnerable to air attacks that are not now as effective. The change going forward in how this counterattack by Ukraine is developing will be heavily bolstered by the F-16's and their ability to disrupt the Russian defense lines at sea and at the front.
     Russia has very few defenses against the F-16 so Ukraine will be poised to break the front lines down much more easily allowing their artillery, mechanized units, and infantry far more accessibility than is currently available. In other words the F-16 is a game changer giving Ukraine another strong weapon to utilize against the Russian aggressor. The only peace to be had is for Russia to be out of Ukraine and Ukraine given it's freedom to choose it's own destiny. Russia is about to find out that invading Ukraine in order to neutralize this noble people for them demanding to decide their own fate was the worst decision they could have made as Ukraine is at the threshold of victory with the F-16 as its ally.

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