Friday, August 25, 2023

(#5318) Will trump flee?

      Another indictment is imminent coming from Arizona which would have trump facing his fifth indictment. I don't know about the regular person like you and me but I can guess that we would be worried sick about it especially if we knew for a fact that we were guilty. I expect that trump knows this as well and is working overtime to hide it and hide behind false bravado and ridiculous claims of persecution. First off the grand juries indicted him and the grand juries are made up of every day people. There is no political agenda to their deliberations of guilt or innocence.
     That four grand juries so far have found trump deeply involved in illegal activities is persuasive and well troubling for the appointed by the electoral college ex president. So thinking long and hard about this makes me fall on the side of trump preparing to leave the country and settle somewhere he is protected from the American legal system. His criminality would net him decades in prison when convicted so why would he stay if he cannot see a way to avoid prison? He is much like a cornered animal and will do anything to allay his coming upsetting future here in America.
     I suspect that he is gathering up his assets in a way that is under the table and not visible to the many of us. I even heard he has put his home in Florida on the market. Rumors for sure but rumors that make sense if trump were preparing to leave the country. He will need all the finances he can muster in order to survive in the luxury he expects for himself. He may well still collect from his followers but surely less so if he has warrants out for his arrest. I still suspect that trump will avoid a trial and run if the choice is one or the other. He is not a person of character and is most likely guilty of most if not all the so far 91 crimes that he is facing. He will abscond and let the bounty hunters begin...

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