Tuesday, August 15, 2023

(#5308) The wheels of democracy are still moving forward

      With another set of indictments against the conman trump coming in last evening we can be reasonably assured that a form of justice is coming for the worst person ever to become an appointed president, by the electoral college, not the popular vote, of the United States of America. This trumpian gambit of his to elevate himself above the law is not working very well and instead is about to backfire on him in a most just way. This latest Georgia state indictment is different from the other federal indictments in that the televised trial of it may well be allowed. Not only that there are RICO charges attached which require if convicted incarceration of some form and length of time.
     Now I have heard discussed that the localities involved in bringing all these indictments are friendly democratic conclaves. Well the indictments happened in jurisdictions that trump chose. As well the witnesses to trump and his alleged crimes is being offered by republican sources, not democratic ones. So the republican party can once again say this is a witch hunt but if we correctly describe their definition, it is a republican witch hunt of trump. His coconspirators have turned on him and to save their own skin have told the truth to grand juries about trump and his systematic operation of criminality. This whole paradigm of indictments of trump is solely on those who committed offenses, not the people who hold them to account for their criminality.
      Yesterday evening and this morning feel different somehow in that our justice system, albeit slow at times, is still moving along. Our democracy is still intact and the principles that make up our rule of law are still in force. An accounting for bad behavior is coming for those who are caught out so trying to change the narrative to one of others are picking on me is a sad defense for the acts of a lawbreaker. We the people of America need to follow through on the rule of law and apply it to every lawbreaker who is a beneficiary of our democracy. None should be above the law like trump desired and none should be free from the punishment of breaking the law when indicted, tried, convicted, and sentenced!

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