Sunday, August 13, 2023

(#5306) The republicans want to destroy democracy and the rule of law

      If you are a republican party voter you will likely not like what I am about to say. The thing is though that the facts and truths don't care about whether you like them or not. They are just emotionless reality and nothing about your feelings will ever change them. You can deny them and/or look the other way and pretend that you have greater reasons for your republican vote but nonetheless, you are what I am about to describe and it will be your legacy. If you look over at Ukraine and the too many republicans complaining that it is a war that has nothing to do with us you are in denial.
     The Russian invasion of Ukraine is about a dictator destroying another nation because they want democracy. If Ukraine is defeated then Russia will look to the next democracy beyond Ukraine and set out to invade them. Russia has no respect for the rule of law and democracy. They want tyranny and soul crushing rules for only those who are not in power. Much like the master/slave paradigm where most are subject to the whim of a few. This is what the republican voter is voting to accomplish. What percent lack of conscious does it take to want to side with the darkest moments in recorded human history? How can there be more than a miniscule amount of people who would side this way?
     We look here in America at the trump phenomenon and shake our heads at the gullibility of too many who would risk their lives for a conman who wouldn't give a whit about them? Yet like the Pied Piper they would walk off a cliff if he asked. The cult figure the republicans are aligning with is anti democracy and for himself free from the rule of law. You get that correct? The republican party wants a tyrant to lead our country and nothing in their minds about our democracy is above that. Not free individual rights nor a set of laws that govern all of us like democracy demands. If you vote for republicans in the next election then you are the evil that is coming to destroy what America has been fighting to preserve inside and outside for over our entire history. There is a name for that...

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