Thursday, August 3, 2023

(#5296) Much like in Ukraine, the garbage must be taken out!

      Ukrainians know full well about taking out the garbage. They have had the interloper Russian horde in their backyard and kitchen for the last 9 years. It is time to do a real good spring cleaning and dispose of the intentional riff raff that think they are above the law. I could go on about our own intentional American riff raff needing the same disposing but that will be for another post. This post is about cleaning up my house. My physical house needs to be purged of the detritus that has built up over the last winter, spring, and now summer. As well there is the reorganizing of John's room for getting in there and going through it with a fine tooth comb.
     I will be packing up John's things and storing them temporarily in the den until I can get his room sanitized from his bout of hospice care there. I will be having a couple of nice ladies who are good at putting things right when it comes to organizing and cleaning, doing the cleaning while I will be the one to create space for all that is packed to store. My own personal living space needs cleaned as well since I have been unable to keep up with all the daily chores that are required to live in a clean space. I am feeling stronger as each day goes by so the idea of organizing John's belongings is not such a overwhelming task.
     I will focus my attention on clearing the garage and getting John's things collected and stored in there so that more space will be available for my things. There is much to do but getting started and moving the process along will soon lead to it being done and then we will wait to see how John fares in his current condition. He is not expected to survive but I know John and he, if anyone, will not go quietly into that goodnight. Still though, moving forward with cleaning and organizing is the goal just like in Ukraine and even here in America. I look forward to getting back to a normal that is less about what is and more about what could be.

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