Saturday, August 19, 2023

(#5312) Staying above the muck

      I will rarely write about republican politics and if I do it is not positive. The reason being is that I have always disdained conservative politics since the last decent normal republican was Dwight D, Eisenhower. Every republican who has followed Eisenhower has never even come close to filling his shoes of representing all Americans. So a friend of mine asked me several months ago what I thought about the republican candidates for president and I told him this. None of it matters because they are all crap when it comes to being democratic leaders. They do not represent the majority of Americans they only represent what they consider to being acceptable within their limited definition of freedom and liberty.
     Otherwise those who disagree with the republican narrow view of equality and fairness are labeled un American and attacked for their right to be who they are. So his question was answered simply by me saying "I don't care who they are". Nothing they do on a debate stage or in the coming elections will ever whitewash their party's attempt to overthrow our elections and steal the presidency as well. The republican party is a sick party full of people who embarrass and anger good folks who only want everyone to experience the American dream of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The republican party does not want that for all they only want their controlling version of it for all.
     He also asked me about the policies of republicans and what I thought about them. Well I cannot think of a policy that republicans represent that is shared by a majority of Americans. Not one. The only thing republicans stand for is more wealth for the rich and less help for the not rich. After that it is just a slew of removing programs that help the working middle poor class. The republican party is a pig trough for the wealthy and a boot to the neck of the working middle poor class. So my answer to his second question was "what policies?" I find that ignoring everything coming from the republican party keeps me in a healthy place where I am not constantly disappointed by their utter lack of care and duty to our democracy.