Wednesday, August 2, 2023

(#5295) As a species we need to gain our focus

      I have been trying to imagine a little bit to come up with an event that would allow all human beings the opportunity to focus on the best of who we are so that we can take another evolutionary step forward. Something of the nature of a shock to bring us all onto the same page. Possibly an alien visit that stops the pettiness of our daily lives and elevates us to another imagining. For us to be able to get on the same page we need our attention to be diverted to a unique event and the right kind of alien visit in my mind would work. The alien would have to be evolved from the same instincts that we already have within us like compassion and curiosity.
     Yet that is wishful thinking. Trying to imagine another paradigm that would allow us to stop in our tracks and clear our minds is daunting. Short of disasters like a planet destroying comet or some other type of imminent threat we as a species will not lean into coming together as we have already shown with our own climate problems and endless tyrannical beings. The situation, as we are now, is untenable. With new ways being discovered to hurt ourselves even more the time for an awakening for all of us is closely coming to a fork in the road. We either find a way to all pull together in the correct direction or we continue to pull against the very survival of our species.
     I am an optimist and will always try to find a way to bring us together but there are a lot of pessimists out there who could care less whether our species survives or not. It is quite discomforting to me that we human beings are so disorientated to who we are as a being. Our inability to assess our own individual characteristics and natural instincts is a problem but not an insurmountable one. We are currently focused in areas that have little or nothing to do with the long range existence of our species. Instead we are focused on the short term range of our own personal comfort and safety. We need to find it within us to force ourselves to be above the daily grind as it is. A major event that can capture all of our attentions so that we can reset and begin to live like the great species we are.

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