Saturday, February 3, 2018

America burns while trump tweets (#3291)

     There it is, Nero has an admirer. Well we know history, those of us who actually read and understand it so we won't be caught out unaware like the Romans. We can insulate ourselves enough and temper trump's fire with our own backburn at him. How can such a man think like he does and have a conscience? Well he can't so that tells me trump is not in possession of a conscience. Which makes some sense right? He is a self absorbed person who has somewhat narcissistic tendencies. I wouldn't call trump a psychopath or sociopath if I am being fair, which in this post I seem be, but I cannot rule either of them out as a fact.
     What he does have in common with Nero is that he is mindless about what is happening around him that he himself is making come true. He thinks he is saving us from metaphorically burning by throwing gas on us. He has all the tools and conveniences to alter the reality he has created but he is so deep into his recklessness that he cannot fathom a way out of it, like Nero who picked up his fiddle and played while Rome burned. What will trump do if he ever pushes that button he so wants to push? Will he take to his phone or computer and start to tweet about how he is going to make some other people pay for some slight to him? Well the other people will surely retaliate and who will be the focus of their wrath? We the American people like the people of Rome who were caught between the demented like actions of what trump would like to do.
     Like I say we have some safeguards that will keep us from the hellscape trump seems okay to bring. Even if revolution is what is needed then we had better be prepared to drop everything we are doing in order to make a change that may be the only hope left for our nation and the survival of our democracy. Many will not let go of their privileges and advantages so trump may eventually succeed in destroying what once was the greatest nation on Earth. We are now the most heavily armed one and in many ways still better a society than many on Earth but we are going the wrong way with our evolution to a more perfect society and for the majority of us it is not acceptable to burn down progress in order to embrace trump and his tweets admiring a more selfish and brutal society.

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