Saturday, February 10, 2018

The democratic wave is being built by republican policies (#3298)

     It never ends with republicans. They are like a spoiled child who will not learn the discipline necessary to become mature. They pretend like hell that they are disciplined but then when they get power we see that the pretend is there greatest tool of illusion. By illusion I mean lie! The republican party wants the smallest possible federal government possible while having the largest possible military. It isn't a states right issue with them either because we have seen them use the states rights argument and then stop states from using their rights. So what is it all about besides destroying our social programs at the federal level?
     With republicans in control it is about them shaping our lives to fit their narrative. Not one of equality nor just fairness, but one in which the survival of the fittest gets to make all the rules as they see fit whenever they can maximize their advantage. They have no care for the working middle poor class because we are just the necessary anonymous drones needed to make the life of the wealthy more beautiful. The republican focus in one in which they are the masters of the universe and all others shall bend their knee and bow their head to them with unrelenting accolade. Instead of being like democrats who see all of us as the caretakers of the universe with a vision toward a more perfect society for all of us.
     There are not two major political parties trying to protect democracy, there is only one, we democrats. The republican party has shown that democracy is antithetical to their profit for the wealthy above common sense vision. Everything that republicans do is aimed at creating more wealth for those who already have most of the wealth. It doesn't matter to republicans that the quality of life and the pursuit of happiness by the working middle poor class is less a dream now than ever. They cannot abide the idea of a society that improves itself on whole, only in part through dog eat dog polices to keep a separation from the wealthy, so that their world playground is not disturbed by the what they see us as, the filthy unwashed masses.

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