Thursday, February 22, 2018

The republican party defends the shooters, not the victims! (#3310)

     The republican party can say all it wants about how democrats are to blame for everything under the sun but when you get right down to the heart of the matter it is republicans who are defending those who harm. Take the gun control debate for instance. The republican party wants to defend the right of the shooter to have assault weapons with little to no regulation. Even when the shooter has mental health problems. Democrats on the other hand want to stop the sale of assault weapons and regulate mental health issues as to whom can own a weapon. Do you see the clear difference here? The republican party wants the wild wild west days to return while we democrats want a society that honors responsible gun ownership while preventing irresponsible actors from having deadly weapons.
     Every time you see a republican politician offer thoughts and prayers for victims it is their way of not legislating to protect those victims and future victims from the deranged and determined mass murderers. For the life of me is it that important to protect the unstable among us so that they can take the lives of innocents just so the NRA has more clients to sell weapons too? I cannot fathom the reasoning behind the republican stance, yet there is an economical one. It is mostly republicans that the NRA donates money toward election campaigns. A sort of quid pro quo or you scratch my back I'll scratch yours arrangement. So we now know what price republicans put on the heads of children in order to maintain their political offices. It is most egregious and disgusting that the republican party treats our children as less than a handful of money.
     When the voting time comes in every special election going forward and on into the future, especially November 6th, we must make it known to republicans that there is no price we put above our children. Never should an organization that produces weapons that kill our people be allowed to dictate the terms of our lives. Not only should the NRA be relegated to the dustbin of history so should it's enablers, the republican party.

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