Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The uprising of we the poor (#3294)

     We may be poor but we can still vote. It seems as if this message is getting across to those of us who are frustrated at the lack of opportunity and the inherent bias of advantage and privilege built into our economic system. It isn't just us poor either, it is the whole of the working middle poor class. We have seen the failure of republican leadership to address the need for closing the widening income inequality gap so we are now poised to take control of our nation from the republican party. After these next midterms in November, we are more than likely still stuck with trump if he survives the Mueller investigation but at least trump will be neutered by a new burgeoning democratic majority in Congress. We will also see new democratic leadership at the state level where change for the better can then begin to foster alongside the federal efforts.
     For those who had not previously voted in the past it is time to change that and register to vote. It is becoming very clear that if we don't vote we have no chance at all of making our American society reflect the will of the people and not of the wealthy. We the backbone of American society are the ones who want the best of what our nation can do to improve society because our political system is our only avenue. The wealthy will always have their money to buy them the things they need to have a safe and modern life but we the poor and the working middle class are without such an option. I don't begrudge the wealthy of their wealth when it is earned meritoriously but I do begrudge them when they are trying to make life miserable for those who have no such opportunity as they do.
     We are all just human beings in this society trying to find a way to exist and for all that some of the wealthy do to try to make it easier for everyone there are the vast majority of the wealthy who are allowing their straw men in the form of republican politicians to make life hard and brutish for us instead. That is unacceptable within a healthy robust democracy and will not be tolerated if we wish to continue with our democracy. So an uprising of we the poor will happen and with the working middle poor class together we will bring an end to the era of republican rule to make those of us who are not wealthy only subservient to those who are wealthy. Equality is not to be allowed in republican land!

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