Monday, February 12, 2018

Another day forward is another day behind us (#3300)

     I don't even think in terms of getting old. I think in terms of getting our sanity back at the national and local political levels. How much damage will be done by the time we can enjoy the blue wave after November 6th? I hope we are limiting the damage every day going forward by being relentless in our opposition to what trumps can do. I know we need to pass some bills to keep our nation moving even though those bills are painful reminders that republicans are in control and are adding insult to injury with their insane agenda. But the day will come when they no longer control the agenda because for the first time in a long time we democrats are controlling the narrative. That's because the republican agenda is an offense to most all civilized citizens.
     We will be electing a whole new House and 1/3 of the Senate, as well as leadership positions in 48 states. There is much that can change the power of trumps after the election and we democrats are the force behind the wave that will make that happen. In 267 days the torture of living under the trumps will begin to change. There will be no automatic passing of legislation that has no democratic input. In fact the legislation proposed will be by democrats and then trump will have to decide if he wants to cause more harm to our nation. If he does then we can override his idiocy with the help of some moderate republicans. Yes, there are still some republicans who haven't completely sold their souls to the trumps and will help to pass legislation that is crucial to our democracy.
     In 267 days the nightmare, that began on November 8th 2016, will begin to fade and new awakening to a daydream that has life and happiness to it will start to begin. There will be much work to do to reverse the abhorrent policies that trumps have enacted but that is easily done since most all of them were by executive order and as we have seen executive order requires no legislation to reverse. Of course trump will have to be gone from our presidency but that may happen soon enough through another route outside of impeachment. The Mueller investigation is proceeding with an air of professionalism that will leave no stone unturned in it's quest to find the truth and legally punish those who created or benefitted from any and all illegal maneuvers.

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