Monday, February 19, 2018

The barbarians are inside the gate (#3307)

     The republican party is now in control of our government as their brutal tactics have paid off for them. They have coordinated their rise to power with the worst of our society in order to lock down power in Washington. They strong armed their way through their adversaries and lied and cheated to get their needed advantage. Now that they are in power it will take a measure of skill to remove them. I don't think becoming like republicans is the answer but getting tougher with them is absolutely required. Mobilizing our democratic party is now more essential than ever. We have seen positive steps toward that mobilization with some very surprising special election upset victories and may yet see another this March in a red district in Pennsylvania.
     That Pennsylvania race may be a bridge too far for we democrats to tear away from a solid republican voting district but as we taper our candidates to fit the needs of their individual constituents with more nuance than stubborn political identity we may have just hit upon the strategy we need to pull off upset after upset across the width and breadth of our nation. Protecting the core of our party is essential but as we get out to the fringe of our democratic identity we must be able to adapt to the needs and capabilities of our electorate. It is there for us to take if we can get past the idea that the good is the enemy of the great. There are many places in our nation where the great of a liberal/progressive identity may flourish but elsewhere the good of our identity will suffice nicely during this overhaul of republican control.
     The overview of what we are trying to do must never be lost to trying too hard to be perfect. We must take what is given to us at this time so that over time we may bring around the evolution of our democratic vision as a whole. We begin with small steps toward our goal and then keep moving forward to it. The strategy is to win the House and Senate while retaking local control of many of our state house offices. We do that by being open to a wide variety of democratic party candidates who fit the needs of their constituents.Some may be more in line with our overall democratic agenda while others may be less in line given the nature and habits of their constituents. Either way we are all trying to remake our society into one where the people who live in our nation and bother to vote are the ones whose dreams and wishes are being addressed.

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