Saturday, February 24, 2018

Rebuilding American society (#3312)

     The first thing that must happen in order to rebuild our American society is for the republican party to be voted out of majority rule. In fact they must be voted out in such a way that they are mostly irrelevant to our political discourse. Once we have that and in their place liberal progressive democrats we can then have the real debate in our nation on all policies going forward without being influenced or decided by large corporations or wealthy individuals. One person one vote is an ideal that embraces the true concept of democracy as well as one person one vote. We all have something to say that is important for all of us to hear even if it isn't what we want to hear. When we have the starting point on facts and truths then we can begin to solve the problems all of us face.
     The ridiculousness and harmful atmosphere that republicans have maintained in order to keep power from all of we the people needs to end now. Yet with republicans in control right now it won't start to happen until the next federal election on November 6th. Then we can begin to oust the republican party from any and all positions where possible. The mood of our nation demands it and in case you have forgotten the people of our nation are the reason for any and all power given to politicians, not the other way around. Politicians work for us and they are not our mouthpieces, they are the ears that hear what we want them to do. So unless they can figure that out they are less than worthless and more dangerous to our democracy and as a matter of our survival need to be removed.
     The physical rebuilding and the mental rebuilding is a hand in hand operation. Our nation needs to be rebuilt in a way that captures our imaginations as well as our continuing innovation. Like we humans, our imaginations are evolving so building a 21st century nation that is adaptable to a 22nd century that is coming will take a vision that all of us need to have input on. We can do this if we can just put our minds to it. As other nations have taken hold of the handle of world leadership during our current time of confusion, they also are moving forward into a more enlightened place. Which with us, when we are done with republican rule, can become an even greater force for the best of what our planet can be proud to exhibit.

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