Monday, February 5, 2018

Our human natures are compassion and curiosity (#3293)

     So why are we often less than that? Because when we are denied our rightful expressions of compassion and curiosity other more nefarious natures take root. So the absence of compassion and curiosity is how brutish and cruel natures flourish. Since we have a choice as to how we express ourselves it is on us to make the right choices. Yet we are human and there are many out there who would take from us our innocence and leave us tormented, empty and angry. I have seen this within myself when the unfairness of life has come down on me. Yet I don't have to be a victim to the whirligig of life, I can control that which is mine to control.
     Which means that I don't have to be left to the mercy of those who would be uncaring to their own true natures of compassion and curiosity. I surround myself with those who are caring enough to live in their compassion and curiosity as a rule. No one is perfect and mistakes will be made for the length of my life yet nothing is unforgivable when it is not from and intentional harmful strategy. This is the life we should all live yet our society has naturally bred those who get caught up in the worst of what a human can be and as long as we continue to ignore the problems inherent within our society, such as the survival of the fittest philosophy, we will continue to reap the sorrow of the absence of our true natures.
     If you are looking for the answer to how to live stop right here and again read my first two paragraphs. Life really is as simple as being kind and wondering about everything. Nothing else matters as to happiness and the ongoing quest of our questions as to "why". I care and I wonder, this is who I am and my human nature requires nothing more from me to be fulfilled and purposeful. Now all that is left is living and being an example of our species' true nature of compassion and curiosity. Now that I have drilled this into you hopefully you will consider how simple and intelligent it is. The mystery of life is still to be figured out but how we live is right here for us to embrace.

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