Sunday, February 11, 2018

The stupid of the republican party is being exposed (#3299)

     If there is one silver lining in all this madness with republicans in control it is that finally the idiocy of their understandings and the cruelty of their policies are being exposed for all to see. There is no more subterfuge about which political party is at fault for harming the vast majority of American citizens who make up the working middle poor class. I include the dreamers as citizens since they should by all fair, ethical and moral rights be citizens by now. The republican party has tried to cut the minimum wage, keep women as less than citizens as men, ostracize people of color, gender and make life more difficult for the elderly and turn our children, from education and innovative creativeness, back into pawns for the wealth creating machinery that the rich only enjoy.
     This is why it is finally going to happen. Which is a democratic wave come the next election. The process by which the republicans have employed to pass their democracy killing legislation is another brutish example of how republicans will stop at nothing to enrich their mega donors while insuring their own futures with these same donors. We the American electorate have seen enough to know that the republican rule of our nation cannot continue past the constitutional remedy of election that is coming this November. That end may only come about by we democrats coming out to vote for every democrat on the ballot.
     No more is there a logical choice between the two parties. There is only one choice now and that is to vote democratic right down the line so that we can purge our political system of the republican ideology of "rich first and we don't care after that". Let us make sure that all of those that we encounter in the circles that we live in are registered to vote and help them when you can if they aren't. It is important that we crush this neanderthal republican party and give it no hope to recover from this theft of our treasury and blood while treating us with the condescension that they so cavalierly entertain in their puny little minds. The reckoning is coming as the days count down to the election in November and the more we need to put pressure on them to feel the impending agony of defeat they have coming and so "richly" deserve!

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