Friday, February 2, 2018

As the White House turns... (#3290)

     Yes, it reminds me of a soap opera. If someone isn't lying cheating and stealing on a constant basis then I got this all wrong. But as the evidence shows, I don't have this all wrong. Each and every nominee and hire by this administration is suspect of some nefarious doing. I am at a total loss how the trumps can keep finding people who reside at the bottom of the barrel. But they do and we as a nation are worse off for it. What it also does is keep this administration ignorant. The combined brain trust in the White House is paltry and quite frankly an embarrassment to our civilized society. So what new blemish will trumps stain our democratic identity with today because each and every day of his administration has brought something low we have fallen to as a nation.
     Yet as the days continue to tick off the calendar heading toward November the likelihood that the democratic blue wave will wash out the stench of republican majorities in the House and even the Senate. So while the trumps are busy jackhammering our democracy we are getting ready to shore up what damage they have done this fall. With the trumps under investigation for criminal offenses and possibly high treasons, we can stay tuned to more of the attempts by trumps to stall and/or end the investigations coming at them. Their options for doing so are limited and may even cause their own republican party to finally say enough is enough and cut their losses. For republicans it has always been a strategy to keep trump in long enough to get their cruel and brutish policies passed while holding their noses at the rot of what is the trumps.
     The nefarious intrigue and the bald faced actions of this White House is enough to wet the appetite of any demented daytime soap opera fan. Who is cheating on who with whose wife or husband? Who is stealing from whom? Who is lying about all things that aren't directly bent kneed to trump? This White House is a circus of illusion and not so magic tricks. Which makes for a plot worthy of a soap opera crossed with a failed mafia movie and with a fair amount of skullduggery of foreign influence. If this wasn't real it would have made for a long running series of how gullible we could be in America if we were stupid enough to believe it. Well guess what? We are stupid enough because this soap opera in the White House is real and unfortunately will not be cancelled soon enough.

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