Friday, February 23, 2018

It is the little things that tell us about the big things (#3311)

     Show me how you behave and I will know how you think. It is that simple. For some it is an honorably principled based life, with others a total disconnect and yet with others it is cold calculation but why ever the cause the effect of your behavior tells me all. Because it is the little things about the behavior that cannot be duplicated nor masked. Maybe it is my instinct or maybe it is just having been surrounded by exceptional people but I can discern when the behavior of one is in tune with who they are and when they are just putting on a show. There is a naturalness about the behavior that cannot be manipulated. The ease of being with the little inflections that always accompany an honest approach are incapable of being strategically reproduced.
     This is the fine tuning of knowing when the dazzling with brilliance or the baffling with bullshit is occurring. But with this current crop of republican politicians the simplicity of seeing the hypocrisy and the out and out lying is not a fine tuned objective, rather it is blatant and obvious for all to either ignore or finally accept. This is how the blue wave is being built; on the back of the republican lies and deceit. We democrats are not perfect but we have always been, for the most part, the party of the working middle poor class. We have not betrayed our roots of liberty, security and patriotism. It is the republican party that has done that! They have taken what may have been good at times about how they saw America and turned it into a mockery. Even more so by betraying the principles that established our great union.
     So show me how you behave and I will tell you what you think. Again it isn't hard when we have the goodness and correctness of compassion and curiosity to compare to it. Our democratic agenda seeks to establish a world where all can have a say in how they are governed. Our democratic party wants a world where the Earth is cherished as much as our children. Our democratic party wants for all humans an equality, fairness and justice that has no advantage and or privilege attached to it. Our democratic party believes that though we are all equal some have more initiative and therefore merit a bit more than those who don't; yet no one should be destitute nor impoverished as a rule. We democrats respect the idea that knowledge is not limited and therefore must constantly be upgraded and comprehensively grown. Remember, it is in the little things that we know what the big things will be.

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