Friday, February 16, 2018

Make sure our like minded friends and neighbors are registered (#3304)

     I have found a couple of folks who I was able to help get registered for the vote recently and both are as fed up with republicans as I am. I live in California and in a very safe democratic district but regardless of my districts assured democratic outcome, the momentum toward the blue wave must continue to be built. We must have such numbers voting that it will be difficult even for the republican gerrymanders to withstand. If there is one time in the history of our nation that we democrats, like minded independents and frustrated moderate republicans need to vote together in masse this is that time.
     Between Russian hackers who are trying to steer our voting to republicans and republicans who are purging voting rolls and restricting actual voting hours the onus is on us to make it all moot! We do that by taking whatever time is needed now to help register eligible citizens for the vote. Then we must make sure that we all vote when the voting time comes. The trumps are out to destroy what progress we have made over the centuries and the worst of their plans are starting to take shape. If they are able to sign their corruptible legislation into law given that they control the legislative and executive branches, we will find that our vote is the last great hope to reversing this nightmare scenario that republicans are foisting upon us.
     So wherever you are in our great nation make sure to help get others registered while the registering time is still available. It is only February still but the window for registering is going to be closing soon enough that procrastinating will find us missing some key deadlines. Our blue wave must be a tsunami type force for us to do the incredible job of putting republicans out of power and stopping this agenda of attacking the weak and vulnerable as if it was a sworn duty. It is only the republicans who feel the need to put their boot on the neck of what makes America great. They come for the least of us is where we draw the line and not let them cross it. The republican party will not succeed in tearing down our great melting pot society but we must get all of ourselves to the polls and getting us all registered is the first step.

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