Thursday, February 1, 2018

Will our constitution survive? (#3289)

     It will take the conscience of America to protect our constitution since the republican party, which controls the levers of power, are seemingly okay with trump trashing our constitution. As long as the republican party may continue to control power they are willing to give lawlessness, even treason, a pass if the president is a republican. That is how thirsty they are for the chance to take equality, fairness and justice away from those of us citizens they find unworthy by their reckoning. So our reckoning back at them should it come down to it will be to hit the streets en masse and shut down our society in a way that is unmistakable as to our motive to pull the traitors out of power and give them nothing short of the hardest lesson they could imagine.
     If our court systems and what is left of our democracy defenders are unable to withstand the trump and republican complicity then the streets are where we all need to be storming the houses that contain the traitors and bringing them to justice in ways that would be unthinkable in a modern civilized society. I am rooting for the rule of law to protect our democracy but if that is circumvented through deceit and manipulation then we the people need to take our nation away from the greedy carpetbaggers who at a minimum only want all of what we have. The great patriots of democracy that have stood up to tyranny and traitors of the past demand the same from us now to protect the one gift they were able to pass down to all of us, that being our democracy.
     The time is coming to a head as to who will prevail in the struggle to steal our nation or heal it. The republican party has shown itself as the enemy of enlightenment, modernization and the rule of law as well as their enablers who fund republicans to take from us to give to them. The purge of our society of those who would destroy it for their own gain is coming if not through law and order then through the might of right. The choice will be on the remaining republicans who are not all in on the trump agenda of pocketing our treasury while usurping our power. We will know soon enough and in the meantime this coming November will tell us much more if we survive to that long sought month.

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