Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Big chance for an upset today in Florida state house race (#3301)

     Margaret Good is the democratic challenger in a district previously held by a republican. She seems to have the momentum to make an upset and if indications are to be reasonable then she has fifty fifty chance of succeeding. It will come down to turnout and that is something we democrats can accomplish now since we are riled up to make a change from republican rule. This race won't change the balance of power in the state house of Florida between democrats and republicans but it will serve notice that no republican incumbent has a safe seat even given the advantage of gerrymandered districts.
     To me that is why this race is so important. It will not only extend the force behind the coming democratic blue wave election but it will also be a bellwether moment for the crucial swing state of Florida. Every one of these special elections are important but some are just a tad bit more because of the psychological lift they give to those in districts that have lately been traditional in their vote going to republicans. The optimism attached to victorites like what this race could bring today is exponential. It furthers the narrative that the trump agenda is one of hate and condescension while reminding voters of what we could have had if not for the alleged duplicitous nature of the presidential election of 2016.
     My whole day today will be focused on the turnout for this little special election in Florida since it has so much to offer we democrats should this lady candidate pull off this victory in a republican district. As we wind down the days toward the 2018 midterm general election these harbingers of things to come in the form of special elections are the best signifiers of our battle to stop the trump agenda while raising our hopes for a Congress much more in touch with us the electorate. The energy we democrats are full of now is the key to winning and I can feel the energy coming from Florida today as we hope our turnout proves to us, and the world, once again that enough is enough. Not only with racism and misogyny but with politicians who only favor the wealthy while disregarding the working middle poor class!

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