Sunday, February 18, 2018

Enough with no gun regulations republicans! (#3306)

     That republicans are against common sense gun regulation when we should, by all rights, have gun bans is telling. What good is a semi-automatic weapon capable of delivering hundreds of rounds in minutes in a society that is advanced and progressive? What good is there to come of it? The old argument that the government is going to overthrow us if we all aren't armed to the teeth is also telling when we refuse to constrain government in ways that wouldn't allow for an overthrow. We are creating an excuse to keep high grade weaponry among our civilian population by creating a reason for it. This is how the republican (il)logic works. Instead we should be making our military and police services less powerful and able to overthrow a constitutionally elected government. Then we can start to diminish civilian weaponry aimed at a more militant purpose.
     It is not difficult to see that the republican mindset of children dying from right wing fanaticism armed to the teeth is starting to wear on them especially since it is their right wing fanaticism that is being fed by their right wing leaders. But wearing on them is still not enough to change their attitudes toward loving their guns more than they would love other people's children. If you want to call one of the political parties militant there is only one who is supportive and supported by the gun industry and that is the republican party. There is only one political party that is trying to institute some form of meaningful gun control and that is the democratic party. So one party, republicans, cannot stop their desire for more guns on the streets and the other party, democrats, are trying to get guns off the street. Unfortunately it is republicans who are in control of our government at this time.
     However in November of this year an opportunity to change much of who is in control of our government will be available. So building on the already dissatisfaction from the ruling republican party, we can add to it the despicable republican policy of honoring weapons more than life. The details of sensible gun legislation can be worked out as well as reduced budgeting for our more than big enough military and more militant police services. When we have sensible leadership again in our nation and when that moment hopefully comes this November, we will have a chance to force trump into signing new laws that go against the organizations that relentlessly promote gun manufacturers and the military industrial complex and give our children a better future for living past their adolescence.

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