Saturday, February 17, 2018

The republican party would rather half of America just die (#3305)

     It is no coincidence that republicans are against any and all social programs since it is social programs that keep those of us within, and just above poverty levels from actually giving up all hope of staying alive. This mindset of theirs of survival of the fittest is not only brutish and cruel but it is intellectually dishonest. They claim that in a democracy we all have the opportunity to advance and succeed but what they don't tell you is that they protect those who are more privileged and advantaged to succeed over those who are not privileged and advantaged. It is an illusion they are trying to sell and that they are good at selling their con is indicative of how shallow minded we Americans are.
     They, republicans, have successfully turned ourselves against ourselves by claiming that the one who is impoverished is not worthy of having a better life because they caused their own impoverishment. They have turned ourselves against ourselves by claiming that those in the shadows of our society are the real problem and not the wealthy who are taking most all the financial gains made over the last quarter century. The have turned ourselves against ourselves by saying that policies protecting women, people of color and the aged are taxing our society so they must be swept away with nothing more than nature and fate as our destiny. They offer thoughts and prayers when tragedy strikes but do nothing to help stop the same tragedies from occurring over and over again.
     The republican party would just rather that we the lower half of society were not around. Their solution for that is to make life miserable for far more than 150 million people so that they quit on life altogether. By removing food stamps, welfare and now even the social security and medicare insurance programs that we pay into we are left with little to nothing as a hope for any economical future. Most of the wealthy and the republican party are willing to sacrifice their humanity for a profit that is less of value than any generosity of spirit they might have considered. If we the mainly poor were not needed for military purposes I would venture that most of us would already be gone from life.

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