Thursday, March 19, 2020

229 days left of the trump nightmare (#4065)

     I have no doubt that our elections will take place as there is no way trump can get around changing our election without consent from the House of Representatives. He could try a coup but then all gloves are off as to what we the people will do. So given the fact that our elections will take place it is now more than ever clear that trump and his ilk are going to swept out of office by our growing blue wave electorate. If anyone needed an example of just how bad our government and the treatment of our people could be, this time now with the stock market volatility and the rampant Covid-19 virus, it is abundantly clear in it's obviousness.
      At this time next month we will be under 200 days until the election and just knowing how close we are getting will fill us with enough energy to finish this 4 year battle to stop the criminal trump and his offspring. The collaborators in this trump mad experiment will also pay with job losses of their own and then, when the time is correct, a full investigation into their complicity will have it's way. I think back to the first days of trump and the confusion and chaos of his appointment and how I thought it would be a miracle if we all survived his ineptitude and danger. We have made it due in large part the 2018 blue wave election that took the House from republicans and stalled their march to our demise.
     As each new month ticks off the calendar the more excited we should be getting at the final day when we all get to do what is correct this time and that is to get out and vote! The last general election time too many of us took for granted that trump couldn't finagle the election and we are paying dearly for that underestimation. Not this time and never again will a debacle like 2016 ever happen without me being here to sound the alarm from as high a mountain as I can. Our democracy took a big hit that 2016 election day and if not for the many of us who stood up to trump we may well would be living under some kind of dictatorship with trumps in office for life.

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