Wednesday, March 11, 2020

March is the month that breaks trump (#4057)

     The blue tsunami wave election is about to get a huge lift from the month of March. Not only is the democratic front runner solidifying his nomination but a series of missteps by trump is escalating his political demise. With a clear front runner moving to end the primaries as necessary our time for coalescing around a single candidate and his vice presidential pick has increased. What we democrats really need is for some time to heal from our choices for president and build a platform of progressive and liberal ideals from which to offer our society. Bring an end to the constant struggle of candidate against candidate on our side is needed so that we can refocus our attention on the mess that is trump.
     As well as our own solidifying procedures we are now faced with the ineptitude of trump as he deals with the making of his own mess on the Covid-19 virus and the trade war over oil production. As it has been pointed out many times neither of these troubled events are being handled by trump with any confidence. He allowed the Covid-19 virus to flourish by eliminating CDC controls and personnel back in 2018 while then calling the virus a hoax at the beginning of it's infections. Now he is behind the curve in responding to contain the infection rates. It is like he closed the barn door after the animals had all got out.
     He also is unable to influence his buddy putin in the oil war that putin allowed to happen with the Saudi's and as a bystander now trump can only watch as the Dow Jones drops like a lead balloon. Our society is learning to stay out of public spaces and that hurts commerce. Our society is also pulling their money out of stocks that are falling thus weakening the means to successful growth of a wide sector of industries. Fear has gripped our society over health and money issues which to me are two of the main reasons for living successfully in a largely capitalistic society. This month of March is the writing on the wall for the end of trump because of the impetus already underway to defeat him and now with his failure in plain sight will only add to that impetus.

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