Monday, March 2, 2020

Sustainable energy is the future trump is trying to stop (#4048)

     Never in my experience has a more determined appointed president been on a course to disrupt and eliminate the efficient smart usage of knowledge. I am at loggerheads to believe that it hasn't anything else to do with except profit right now. Profit over intelligence to me is a criminal offense that cannot be allowed to happen. A true crime against humanity and anyone who would shield this appointed president from being given his punishment deserves the same punishment. As it turns out this is an election year and most all those culpable in the profit scheme to undermine our society should first be voted out of office and then tried criminally for their offenses against humanity.
     It does not take a rocket scientist or more specifically someone of Katherine Johnson's ability to equate greed as a conclusion for the vast majority of the republican party's paradigm of theft. The obvious disgraceful nature of trumps and his followers is mind numbing in that there is little attempt to hide it. That trump has been every day of his appointed presidency a disgrace in itself been part of the mind numbing effect. So more than 3 years into his appointed position the rest of us are far from shocked at anything he does. An almost normalization process has engulfed us. Yet we will never be normalized by the overall effect trump has attempted to ingrain in our psyche's.
     Which is why the voter turnout against him will be one for the ages as we continue toward his dethroning. I say dethroning because he sees himself as a king-like figure not a representative of American democracy or our national constituency but as blue blooded king. Well his enamored view of himself as twisted as twisted can be will not prevail outside his imagination. We the rest of us are not going to allow him to destroy our planet not destroy our democracy. His theft of our national heritage and manifest destiny to change the world for the better is about to be returned to us in a blue tsunami way!

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