Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Biden reckoning (#4050)

     The unpredictability of politics is evident from last night where Joe Biden seized the leadership of the democratic party from the Bernie Sanders camp. I didn't see this coming at all before last week but as Biden took South Carolina decidedly and three moderate candidates dropped out the signal was there for a momentum grabbing effort by Biden. Then Beto O'Rourke threw his support behind Biden and all bets were off as to a Sanders expected victory in Texas. If you had been not following what was going on in politics the last week you would have missed the signs and been shocked this morning to find out Biden took Texas.
     But as we are once again learning, politics can be fickle and who would have thought two weeks ago that South Carolina would have been the trigger that started a Biden avalanche. I know I didn't and not many could convince me that they did either. So this morning we are seeing a coalescing around Biden that not even Sanders may be able to recover from. Now Warren and Bloomberg need to come to that moment in time where they realize that their time as viable candidates is over. I see Bernie going forward with his campaign to turn it around over the next month or so but everyone else needs to find the understanding that it is down to just two candidates and Joe is on top now.
     However this plays out over the next handful of weeks we the democratic party are finding that our votes to nominate our candidate is crucial in the nominating process. We do not want the democratic party to decide which of our candidates goes on to face the disgraceful trump. Democracy demands that our nominee be chosen by we the people not the super delegates whose allegiance isn't to the popular vote. If Joe is our candidate then fine or if Bernie comes back then fine but at the end of the day our democratic nominee must be chosen by us and not a privileged group. If we democrats are going to have a full general election turnout we need a fair process in choosing our candidate.

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