Friday, March 20, 2020

Our survival insticnt (#4066)

     Just when you think you cannot take anymore of the nonsense of life the survival instinct kicks in. Desperation and despair are no match for the will to live. I know this myself from the few times when I have been so depressed that nothing makes sense about living. Yet deep down in some hidden spot within me is a place where survival exists. It rarely shows itself to me but when it does it gives me some flicker of hope about what to do next and how to see the way forward. I do believe all we humans have this within us and if truth be told we should say so despite the stigma of having to admit we were really down.
     The thing about life is that nothing is a guarantee or a deserve. So it is most logical that we all would experience both highs and lows in our lives. we seem to be really good at admitting our highs but not so much our lows. But believe this, no one who can think and feel is above or below feeling both good and worse. No one. Which, the worse, has been on display for me these last 3 years and more. The ripping out of my soul by trumps and their insatiable appetite to harm and destroy all that was hopeful and good nearly doubled me over and put me down. But in those lowly moments of utter despair I found my own resolve to fight back.
     I again remembered that I champion good things and for me to let a pissant trump defeat me would be antithetical to my own being. My principles are what give me hope because although my survival instinct lit the match it needed more fuel in the form of my principles. Which is why my principles for my life are so important. They are true building blocks of care and wonder. I have found that nothing is more embarrassing nor cowardly than to let a bully win at any cost. No bully will ever stifle my resolve to stay alive and do good. So my survival instinct was the spark that lit my fire once again when my flames had all been put out. Thank you survival instinct and thank you noble principles for my life that burn brightly now once again with honor.

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