Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The American war machine and refugees (#4070)

     As we the American military continue to find ourselves in wars that have very little to do with ideology and more to do with obtaining natural resources we should not be surprised by the refugee problem that is created. Yet we shun refugees as if we are their masters and they are the insignificant upstarts who deserve nothing but the back of our hand. It is insane for we Americans to care so little about what our foreign policy aims are when we are the black hats in this scenario. I suppose it is easy enough to ignore the consequences of the actions taken in our name by simply playing dumb. But the real life crisis of uprooting societies and adding misery to their lives is not to be slid under the carpet so to speak.
     We the American people through our government have allowed this to come into being so for us to then shirk any responsibility for it is inherently shameful. It actually mirrors the trumps and makes one wonder if he isn't the true face of what America is always trying to hide. We like our advances and modern toys so making a mess of the world is just an inconvenience at worst to us. As long as we get what resources we need we don't care if the means justifies the ends. Well we are going to have to pay for our selfishly brutal ways and the time for it is coming sooner than later. The cost benefit analyses tells me that when we have had it our way and didn't control the method in a fair manner, then we will be subject to an onslaught of retribution that will be greater than any sacrifice we needed to make in real time.
     The time for our deserves may be fleeting and hard to pin down but the smoldering anger against us will not lessen, it will only become more tempered in it's finality. Our only hope is to reverse our course from making war for profit and focus instead on repairing the damage we have done to countless millions of foreign citizens. Out true American spirit will only appear if we actually admit we were wrong and then set about making policy that rectifies our callousness in past decisions. Those of us who know that all humans are of value have been trying to force our citizenry to see beyond their own greed but it has been like pulling teeth with tweezers, nearly impossible to accomplish.

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