Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In less than 7 months (#4056)

     Every morning I wake up and sit at this computer while thinking about how we can get rid of trumps from our lives. Each new day is another day that wont come again for trump to disrupt. He is like a cockroach who cannot be rid of. So we have to exist in this world with him but at least we have a time frame from which to measure his appointed presidency. In less than 7 months we will have that last day to wake up to with him as our gag, leader. But when that last day comes around we will have the opportunity to vote him out of office with a ferocity. The pent up frustration and anger he has instilled within us may then be released on that final day.
     As that final day winds down I can already feel the relief and see the happiness in the eyes of so many who like me are maddened that trump had been given the keys to our democracy. A night on that last day that will not soon ever be forgotten. When we resoundingly showed trumps the door with a huge boot at their asses! Metaphors aside, the exhilaration will be palpable and the relief will be immense. A celebration of epic proportions will be in order and although I don't participate in mind altering drugs or drink, in spirit I will be one happy and silly fellow. The day when our election of a new president who is not appointed but actually wins the popular vote is nearing and soon will be a reality.
     I don't mind predicting this outcome because the logic of reality demands it no matter what the cult of trumps has to say or think. The rest of us are tired of trumps but we are also highly motivated and spitting mad. When the voting day comes there will be a relentless onslaught of democratic votes piling high against the puny republican totals to come. We will not only take trump down from his appointed presidential perch but we will end the Senate of it's nefarious republican majority. A new day is coming in less than 7 months and I for one of nearly 80 million or more anti trump voters will have had a say in sending trumps to the dustbin of history.

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