Sunday, March 8, 2020

34 weeks until the general election (#4054)

     Only 34 more weeks of the idiot trump and then we get back our national honor. I keep hearing people who are afraid say that they think trump will be in for another 4 years and to me that is being modest. Although they are talking about the presidency, I am talking about prison! He will lose this coming election so badly that there will be no escape for him when the final tally is made. There will be no recounting of votes or claims of cheating coming from republicans because the defeat of trump will be massive. Then we begin the process of actually removing the cruel coward from our White House. A lot of fumigating will be needed.
     34 weeks is very little time in the big picture as each week seems to be flying by now for me anyway. When the time left for him was still years I was hardly confident that we would survive his idiocy and our dependence on his protecting our nation. But now that we are closing in on the end of the trump disorganized brutish mess the life span of us all increases. We will make sure this time that our vote against him does not lose focus and we all go do our duty to end the trump reign. He has alienated almost everyone, even those who stand by him, so the idea that he will get enough votes to remain in office is absolutely absurd! He will go down with a horrible defeat and no one ever has deserved it more!
     It won't matter whom we democrats nominate as our candidate because the majority of us are voting to end the time of trump. We would vote for a potted plant over trump so you see the anger and resolve we many have. Never in my lifetime have I been so angry, and that includes the conniving nixon and the bumbling shrub. That trump has instilled so much motivation in me to make sure he never again steps into an office of public respect has no limit with me. I am, to say the least, spitting nails mad at what he and his enablers in the republican party have done to our bright shining city on a hill. The tarnish that remains from his defeat will take generations to clean but at least in 34 weeks we will begin that cleansing.

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