Friday, March 27, 2020

Economic stimulus from the effects of Covid-19 on the way (#4073)

     The House of Representatives just passed the Senate bill for a helping hand to our American society due to the devastating effects of the Covid-19 virus. The Executive branch will have to sign it and all indications are that trump will, so that the bill with unanimous bicameral support, becomes law. That should happen later today and then the disbursement of funds to those most in need will begin. This 2 trillion dollar bill is a start to what may be many more stimulus bills down the road but this one gets us moving back toward real relief for many in our society.
     Despite the coming pomp and grandstanding by trump and his need for adulation the bill will become law and then the real hard work of our legislators will begin to pay off. Since we are still trying to get a handle on controlling this virus the need for this bill is crucial. Just getting into position to test for the virus has been excruciating since trump not four weeks ago was calling the virus a hoax perpetrated by democrats. Well with this bill being voted out of both houses in unanimous ways the doubt if any that this is a democratic hoax has been officially put to rest. Although trump now claims that he is championing the virus we the rest of us know that he is nothing if not a liar.
     Despite the cause of our troubles to date, the blame will come later after the conquering of this pandemic, the focus is on protecting our first responders, getting testing kits widely available, finding a cure that is efficient and functional, while helping our economy get back to some semblance of it's normalcy. Big tasks ahead of us but like all great challenges in life facing them head on with logic and science while never quitting in the process is our mantra. This is not the greatest challenge we Americans or the world for that matter have ever faced but it is a critical one at this time in our history. With the passage in the House of the stimulus package we are well on our way toward rising above this pandemic and putting it behind us like all other challenges to the survivability of our species.

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