Wednesday, March 18, 2020

What is trump up to? (#4064)

     I heard yesterday that trump is allowing his surrogate in the Treasury department to build consensus on an aid package for the American public due to concerns over the Coronavirus, Covid-19. Even stating that a $1000 payment to all Americans may be forthcoming. To me this is like heresy coming from a republican administration that has been solely focused on cutting our social programs of health and retirement. So I have to wonder when is the other shoe going to drop?
     What is the price for this almost 1 trillion dollar aid package that the trump administration is trying to pass in negotiations with democratic leadership? Earlier the trump administration was trying to eliminate the social security payroll tax which would have been a huge step forward to ending social security. But that didn't fly with Nancy Pelosi and although the republicans tried mightily they could not get their wished agenda. That bill which was finally agreed upon was passed out of the House and on to the Senate but has died there so far with mcconnell not allowing a vote on it. So this new deal that would be much larger is now the hot ticket and although it sounds like a great idea I have to think that the details may prove to be a real stinker.
     So as the negotiations over this latest package of help for the American public is further exposed what will we find that has us ready to deny it because of some poison pill that would undercut it's allure? Nothing republicans have ever done has been solely for the working middle poor class. They are all about helping the wealthy and occasionally that spills over to the rest of us. But to have a bill designed by them that puts the American worker first is shocking and cannot be believed given the republican track record. I know this Covid-19 virus has many scared and in that fear some are hopeful that the republican party is going to do the correct thing but skeptics like me see this as an opportunity for them to sneak a harmful policy in that we will regret in the very near future.

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