Monday, March 30, 2020

The blue tide is still riding high! (#4076)

     I don't care what trump does from here on out, he will get blue wave "tsuamied"! Sometimes I make up my own verbs to make sure my point is taken :). In this case like I read earlier form someone who posted is that even if Joe Biden shot and killed someone on Fifth Avenue he would still have my vote. The pos trump isn't the only one who has a solid base. I know that Joe wouldn't shoot and/or kill anyone on any avenue but the point is made! Nothing trump does going forward that would seem conciliatory to us or other moderate thinkers is going to matter. His approval may be higher than usual right now but only because some moderate democrats and moderate independents try to rally around the flag in a moment of crisis.
     So although the approval numbers are higher for trump he will not get their vote when the voting time comes and his usual 40 plus percentage will be his best hope in the general election on November 3rd. There will be an election despite the rumors of trump trying to postpone the election. The thing is though that the best case scenario for trump is to try to fool we democrats into thinking he has our backs. But he has had nearly 3 and a half years to have our backs and instead the only thing he has done to our backs is leave many knives in them. He is the worst kind of human being. He will lie to us when we need something and then not deliver it when it causes him any political or financial discomfort.
     So lets get what we can from trump and then not let him take any more from us for the rest of this year before November comes around and we vote him out with no doubt as to our displeasure of him. He will get desperate because he knows like the many of us that once he is out of the presidency he will be a target for criminal and civil charges that will tangle up the rest of his miserable life. So remember that his due is coming and not to pay attention to his desperate attempts to remain in office where he promises us that he will take our social safety net away and replace more supreme court justices with the likes of gorsuch and kavanaugh.

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