Monday, March 23, 2020

Another day not in paradise (#4069)

     By all accounts California is a paradise with our mountains, valleys, lakes and streams and even our deserts. But most of all I think our shores to the Pacific Ocean is our greatest claim to paradise. With 840 miles of coastline, and a more than moderate weather temperature you can begin to see why I think our coastline is our true and shiny example of paradise. Yet at the moment we are all under orders to stay at home for the foreseeable future to protect ourselves from a deadly transmittable virus. How have we come to this? Simply put by our federal government under the management of the republican trump administration.
     All other previous presidents in our modern history have been able to defend our nation from a foreign infectious virus. Just recently before trump President Obama managed to control all the weather and viral catastrophes that came our way with efficient and effective foresight. This has not happened with the trump administration. In fact the trumps felt it was unnecessary to even discuss the hand off of disaster programs. Instead trump went about taking these disaster relief programs apart while cutting the effectiveness of our Disease control and research departments. Well that is coming back to haunt us all and while trump is bungling around making excuses and tossing blame the rest of us are the victims of his intentional deceit early on regarding this epidemic.
     So despite the good will of our democratic governor to lessen the burden on the many 40 million or so of us, the reality is that we must stay away from each other in order to stall for time as not only are tests not available but there is no immediate cure available either. The stall for time is a two prong strategy as not only do we slow the spread of the virus but we keep ourselves from contracting it possibly not at all. Yet this strategy can only last for a bit as our society is a robust one that needs constant interaction for the vitality of our citizenry to have the chance to succeed. There are many problems with our market based capitalism but they can be rectified with other additions to maintain an equilibrium. But none of that can or will happen until we can begin again to enjoy the bounty of our California paradise.

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