Sunday, March 22, 2020

The republican party needs to stop pretending our tax dollars are theirs! (#4068)

     What is most infuriating to me is the attitude the republican party has toward we the actual tax payers. Our government is set up for taxes to be paid on a progressive scale so those within our society who work in America or are registered as American companies pay the taxes, not the republican party. So for the republican party to act like it is their money to distribute when they feel like it or not is arrogant. Like now when we the American people are in a real jam as to the latest bungled response by republicans you would think that to make amends they would be acting quickly to protect us.
     But no, it is as if they ignored the health risk to we the many and are now slow walking any form of remedy that would actually be efficient and effective. Instead they delayed any action on the 2 relief bills that came before them for their approval in Congress before finally passing them on to become law. Now the republican majority in the Senate have crafted a bill that mostly ignores the vast majority of working Americans except for a gratuity over a short time, and instead focus on large corporations who have not been good actors in their own management. Some even not being American tax paying enterprises.
     So instead of acting on anything that republicans offer we the American people are instead waiting any day now for the democratic plan for a bill which should be forthcoming this week that will actually address the stress that most of we Americans are facing. If we didn't have one political party, republicans, acting like they are the owners of our tax dollars we could have already been to a point where every waking day isn't unnecessarily fear based. When November 3rd rolls around this year we the many will get a perfect opportunity to show the republican party why they will never again be allowed to govern under the impression that our tax dollars are theirs.

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