Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Strange days (#4071)

     The stock market is like a Yoyo, going up and down in dramatic fashion and we are all worried that we will be next to be infected with the Covid-19 virus. No more school for most children, no more work for a majority of Americans. No more simply going to the store and buying what we need as many necessities are constantly sold out. No more partying with our friends or gathering together for entertainment options like sporting or music events. There are many people dying because we were not prepared enough to stop the foreign virus from entering our shores without check for far too long.
     I am spending more time at home because of the stay at home direction from our Governor. So things around here are getting done. The time I spend watching television is increasing as well as the time I spend listening to my favorite music. Yet these are things that are trivial in the big picture. there is little I can do to help our poor neighborhood deal with the ongoing problems of homelessness and hunger. The health care situation here in California is much better than it is in republican controlled states and for that I am immensely grateful. In my household there are 3 of us who are of an elder age with some disabilities and therefore more susceptible to being infected so we are careful not to venture too far from home without real cause.
     The strangeness of the days are mostly due to the ineptitude of the trump administration of our federal government and for that I will never forgive him as so many of us are already dead because of his choice not to follow public health officials and their warnings as far back as last December. So I am at home with nothing much to do but work around the house on projects that require more muscle than animate objects to fix. Cold comfort in that there are so many who are without at least a domicile that gives them an opportunity to improve. The strange days these are will not last forever is our hope and on November 3rd we will get a chance to change the strangeness of our days back to something that will resemble normalcy.

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